Rising Kids: Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is one of the major issues in society. During their lives, people enter various stages of their evolution characterized by changes in their roles, statuses, physical abilities, and cooperation with other individuals (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). The importance of these issues preconditions the emergence of various norms, expectations, and concepts of lifespan. Thus, the age grade is one of these constructs, representing a socially defined cohort in society and is assigned various roles. For instance, children represent one of these age-grades, which have unique importance in the modern world. That is why the attitude to this cohort has always been special.

Traditionally, childhood is viewed as one of the essential periods in the life of people. For this reason, raising kids plays a critical role in lifespan. The cultural peculiarities affect the recognized period of childhood; however, for most nations, the responsibilities and norms remain similar. Parents, representing another age group, should create an environment beneficial for the child’s growth and protect him/her from threats and dangers existing in society at this very period (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). The given distribution of roles and duties is typical for the existing lifespan concept. Additionally, raising kids acquires a unique significance as it presupposes cognitive, physical, and psychosocial changes in a person that should occur for him/her to join the community (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). Under these conditions, parents become the actors ensuring the successful transition from one age group to another and observation of existing cultural and social norms regarding this very process. The complexity of these ideas preconditions the increased importance of raising children and their preparation for moving from one stage of their development to another.


Sigelman, C.K., & Rider, E.A. (2015). Life-span human development (9th ed.). Cengage.

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StudyCorgi. "Rising Kids: Lifespan Development." January 3, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/rising-kids-lifespan-development/.


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