Since ancient times, monasticism has existed as an attempt to escape the bustle of the world and devote life entirely to God. People who live in the world, are engulfed in a fuss that comes from rivalry, from the desire to be higher than the other, against their will. If individuals are eliminated from the competition, they are considered inferior members of society. The struggle to promote one’s identity as a leader is waged at all levels of human society. Monasticism is opposed to the world, as it overcomes external differences. Spiritual development is the only criterion of perfection, and the most perfect does not ascribe knowledge or achievements but carries obedience in humility.
The life of a monk involves the rejection of many aspects of worldly life and following specific rules to achieve God’s will. Sometimes such practices are very radical, require asceticism, and may not be attractive enough for people seeking refuge from peace and privacy to approach God. The Rule of St. Benedict, at its time, became the salvation of Europe’s religious life, as they contributed to the emergence of many monasteries. These events were justified by the fact that the Rule suggests a moderate path between strict adherence to the rules and the monks’ individual needs.
When creating Rule for religious life, I would take as a basis this charter of St. Benedict, since there are many advantages in it. Most importantly, in my opinion, chapter 58 establishes the rules for accepting new members of the monastery. Monastic vows are given by a person once and for all, and while at least small doubt or even a slight hesitation remains, monasticism should not be taken. However, there are situations when a person expresses readiness, is confident in the decision, and wants to become a monk, but after some time understands that he cannot follow the chosen path. Even those monks who refuse their vows continue to be monks and violate them. To solve this problem, the twelve-month Rule of probation may be a useful measure.
Other advantages of the Benedict rules can be noted, but I would like to focus on what is distinctive I would like to propose and change. For example, chapter 66 recommends that monasteries be isolated from the outside world. It prevents monks from participating in meaningful community activities and from helping others. Speaking of the latter aspect, I would also like to propose mandatory assistance for people for the Rule. A person as an individual is not quite a full-fledged creature and is realized as a person only in communication with others and in helping them. Serving is the provision of assistance to those who need it. It, following the example of Christ, grows out of sincere love for the Savior, as well as out of love and participation concerning the people whom He gives us the opportunity and command to help. All of us must be prepared to serve, regardless of our income, age, or social status.
Monasticism is the destiny of a specific type of people that feel called and taste for loneliness. If an individual does not need to be alone, if he cannot remain alone with himself and with God, if he does not like prays, and cannot come close through prayer to God, then he should not accept monasticism. People who express a desire to become monks should understand this, and such a warning should also be added to the Rule.