Russian History between the 15th and Early 20th Century

The historical period between the 15th and early 20th century can be described by influential events that further shaped the Russian government, culture, and overall history. The interval includes various state reforms, geo-political, and socio-economic changes. In that way, a brief review of the main historical events during the five-century interval will highlight the most influential factors in the country’s development.

In the 15th century, after a long-lasting struggle for power between several rivals, Vasilii II proclaimed himself as the “sovereign of all Rus’”, signifying a political change toward awarding more power to the state’s ruler (Christian, 2018). Following the ruler’s death, his successors managed to expand Moscow’s area by conquering Ryazan, Rostov, Novgorod, and other northern regions. As the army increased and became properly organized, while the state leader Ivan IV claimed the title of a Tsar, the formation of the Tsardom of Russia could be outlined (Christian, 2018). This is an important event as it predicts the gradual transformation of the state into an empire.

Furthermore, the processes of globalization and international competition for resources and land significantly influenced the establishment of the Russian Empire. Following the 1598-1613 Time of Troubles, the system’s mishaps became evident, which then led to stricter government policies (Christian, 2018). The crucial reforms needed to repair the system were initiated by Peter the Great, who became strongly influenced by the empires of Western Europe. In that way, the state experienced a major transformation through the idealization of western traditions, and at the beginning of the 18th century, the Tsardom of Russia was replaced by an Empire. The reclaiming of St. Petersburg as the Empire’s capital in 1712 reiterated the idea of following the example of the adjacent European governments (Christian, 2018). Due to mass protests regarding the struggling peasant population, the working class overthrew the empire system at the beginning of the 20th century.

In conclusion, the major events regarding the formation of the Russian Empire were centered on a gradual increase in army and political power, powered by globalization and western influence. The timeline of the 15th-20th century includes leadership changes, social reforms, and the expansion of Russian land.


Christian, D. (2018). A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume II: Inner Eurasia from the Mongol Empire to Today. John Wiley & Sons.

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