The article provides a recently declassified intelligence summary of which the cases of war crimes, torture, and abuse of Mariupol residents and local government officials by Russia. The intelligence data was shared with CBS news by an anonymous US official. The article explains that the facts of abuse may lead to increased resistance from Mariupol residents, which concerns Russian officials. Further, the article summarizes the recent events in Mariupol and other cases of war crimes committed by the Russian army during the war in Ukraine. The premise of the article is to make readers familiar with the world news and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The writing of the text is factual as it is free from the subjective bias of the authors and does not use any personal evaluation. Instead, it contains brief paragraphs that capture some of the most resonant events in a factual manner. The article enhances its informative qualities by including media files that contain reports about the collection of evidence of war crimes in Ukraine and fighting in Mariupol. In conclusion, the news story by CBS meets its objectives successfully by committing to a precise and factual style of writing that covers the topic briefly but sufficiently.
Work Cited
CBS. Russians fear Mariupol abuse will backfire, U.S. intel shows. CBS News. 2022.