Safeguarding Medical Transcription Records

Medical records secured on the database are at risk of falling into unauthorized hands due to malicious attacks by cybercriminals. These records can be tampered with by hackers, who can alter the images and create false identification of different ailments, which can be dangerous to the patient. These assaults differ from changing clinical pictures utilizing ill-disposed AI for misleading recognizable proof of malignant growth to the age of ill-disposed traffic lights for affecting the wellbeing of independent vehicles (Yamin et al., 2021). Also, from a vulnerability perspective, the star topology network frame is the most susceptible to attacks from hackers. Hackers who gain access to the system can create a denial of service (DOS) attack. They can then demand ransomware from the said medical organization, without which they can threaten to leak the information, which might prove to be costly.

It can be challenging to safeguard the information contained in the medical transcription records. Taking measures to ensure that the data is well secured should be the top priority of the parties involved. When transcribing, one should bear in mind that the content of the information they are typing is sensitive and, in any case, shouldn’t just fall into any hands. The data ought to be grounded on a protected data security framework (HISST) which covers and elucidates every one of the dangers that might occur around the whole clinical brotherhood and ways of shielding them (Dawson et al., 2009). Also, formulating an incident response plan would be an efficient way to respond to a threat in case of an attack. The information transcribed should be limited to the access of unauthorized personnel who could tend to compromise the data. The software used to safeguard the report should have frequent updates and a thorough inspection to seal any ground that could lead to information leakage. Updating or doing away with outdated software could also be an efficient security protocol to safeguard the information. Using personal devices to hold vital information is not recommended as loss of these devices could lead to loss of critical data or, worse still, unauthorized access of information by the wrong parties.

An incident report team should be the first line of defence if there is a breach. Assembling this team would be vital in assessing the damage and controlling anything vital during that moment. An information technology team should incorporate experts like chief, lead examiner, interchanges pioneer, C-suite delegate, office director, HR, IT, lawyer, advertising, break reaction specialists, and a business partner agent (Romanosky et al., 2011). This team can enable an organization to restore data as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Incorporating lessons learned during the breach would help stop it from occurring again. Relevant information should be backed-up to preserve them while configuring data that can help get hold of those responsible. Among the staff involves a team of well-trained IT specialists who can backtrack the loop source. Monitoring would require a well-versed team that can mitigate an efficient way to help restore the software operations while preserving some of the transcribed data. Additionally, it is important to notify the policy immediately a case of data breaching has occurred. They have the ability to track data crimes using data crunching software known as SPSS (Fernando & Dawson, 2009). Through analyzed trends of real time data mining, the police can restore data normalcy.


Fernando, J. I., & Dawson, L. L. (2009). The health information Security System: An informatics theory. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 78(12), 815-826. Web.

Romanosky, S., Telang, R., &Acquisti, A. (2011). Do data breach disclosure laws reduce identity theft? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(2), 256-286. Web.

Yamin, M. M., Ullah, M., Ullah, H., &Katt, B. (2021). Weaponized AI for cyber attacks. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 57, 102722. Web.

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