Safety, Communication, and Informatics in Nursing


Nurse informatics focuses on the integration of modern technologies to gather, process, analyze, and use information to address the health needs of patients (Lavin, Harper, & Barr, 2015). This essay gives a detailed summary of two major informatics trends transforming healthcare practice. The safety issues affecting the use of medical informatics are outlined. The paper also discusses how Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and automated error reporting systems can be used to address such errors.

Several informatics trends will affect the healthcare industry. The first one is telemedicine. This kind of medicine refers to the exchange of information through the use of electronic means to improve the health outcomes of a patient (Lavin et al., 2015). Images can be transmitted electronically to diagnose or prevent diseases. Videoconferencing can be used to support the telemedicine process. The second trend in informatics is Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This field is supported by the meaningful use concept (Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian, & Navidhamidi, 2014). The EHR technology promotes decision-making and information sharing (Vernic, 2012).

In order to keep up with current informatics issues and provide quality client care, I will always embrace the concept of lifelong learning. I will collaborate with different stakeholders and read widely (Darvish et al., 2014). I will consider the effectiveness of different technologies and use them to address the health needs of my patients.

Safety Issues

The class readings have outlined various safety issues that are associated with the use of informatics in healthcare. The first one is medication safety. Patients will receive timely care when nurses and physicians use EHR technologies efficiently. The second safety issue revolves around “the issue of documentation and standards of practice” (Lavin et al., 2015, p. 12). One of the unique roles of informatics in healthcare is to improve the manner in which patients’ records are documented and used to support the healthcare delivery process.

I will use this knowledge to support and keep my patients safe. It will be necessary to promote the concept of confidentiality. The technologies will be used to diagnose the health problems affecting my patients. The next thing is to provide evidence-based care depending on the patients’ records. Multidisciplinary teams will ensure different family members, physicians, and Nurse Informaticists (NIs) are involved throughout the healthcare delivery process (Daniel & Oyetunde, 2013).

Potential Safety Issues

The use of health informatics can make a significant difference for many patients. However, some safety concerns might affect the outcomes of different patients in the future. This is true because a single error can result in death. Patient data and information can also leak when such technologies are used. Errors are also associated with the use of health Informatics. I will consider a number of measures to minimize safety threats and maximize my clients’ outcomes. It will be appropriate to consider the existing standards of practice (Vernic, 2012).The use of CDS systems will make it easier for me to address my patients’ health needs. Automated error reporting systems can be considered to improve the outcomes of the patients (Daniel & Oyetunde, 2013). Multidisciplinary teams will be used to minimize medication errors and improve patient safety.


Technologies such as telemedicine and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have led to improved healthcare delivery (Vernic, 2012). Healthcare professionals should use their skills to develop sustainable healthcare delivery processes. They should embrace the power of informatics to deliver quality care. Medication errors and confidentiality issues continue to undermine the safety of healthcare technologies. CDS systems can therefore be used to deal with such challenges.


Daniel, G., & Oyetunde, M. (2013). Nursing informatics: A key to improving nursing practice in Nigeria. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 5(5), 90-98.

Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The Role of nursing informatics on promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global Journal of Health Sciences, 6(6), 11-18.

Lavin, M., Harper, E., & Barr, N. (2015). Health information technology, patient safety, and professional nursing care documentation in acute care settings. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 20(2), 1-17.

Vernic, C. (2012). Nursing informatics: Current and future trends. Anale. Seria Informatica, 10(2), 39-44.

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