Saving the Exotics of the Ghanaian Culture


In the XXI century, the process of globalization has accelerated to an amazingly fast pace, affecting more and more states, and Ghana is no exception. Because of the process of cultures fusion, which is currently taking place due to globalization, the Ghanaian people are experiencing major issues related to the necessity to retain their own culture and at the same time be able to learn new information from other cultures, Appiah’s article (Appiah, 2006, January 1, para. 5) says.

Culture Fusion in Ghana

When it comes to solving the current issues concerning the negative experience of the Ghanaians in accepting the elements of other cultures, one may suggest that the principle of cultural sustainability could work for the residents of Ghana at present. Aimed at reinforcing one’s cultural values, it allows for accepting new tendencies without harming the existing cultural principles (Belohlavek, 2008, p. 72).

Culture Sustainability

It should be noted, though, that the introduction of cultural sustainability is fraught with a number of complexities in Ghana. To start with, an efficient strategy for reinforcing the significance of the Ghanaian culture must be created (Archer, Bosman & Amen, 2013, p. 8). The introduction of crucial concepts of foreign cultures should be the next step. Finally, it will be necessary to make sure that each of the elements of foreign cultures coexists peacefully with the culture of Ghanaians.


It would be wrong to assume that the aforementioned steps will necessarily lead to major improvements and the strengthening of the culture of Ghana. However, these steps will help the local people reconsider the importance of their cultural heritage and set their priorities straight. Thus, Ghanaians will be ready to welcome other cultures without fearing for their own one.

Reference List

Appiah, K. A. (2006). The case for contamination. The New York Times. Web.

Archer, K., Bosman, M. & Amen, M. (2013). Cultures of globalization: Coherence, hybridity, contestation. New York, NY: Routledge. Web.

Belohlavek, P. (2008). Globalization, the new Tower of Babel? Sydney, NSW: Blue Eagle Group. Web.

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