Schools’ Roles, Functions, and Expectations as Part of the Social System


A social system is a network connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is not universally defined, and academics use various definitions depending on the context. According to Merriam-Webster (2021), a social system is a pattern of interrelationships between individuals, groups, and institutions that form a coherent whole. On the other hand, Wikipedia (2021) defines it as the network of relationships between individuals, groups, and institutions that constitute a coherent whole. Statuses, roles, social networks, and other groups and institutions, such as schools, comprise social systems’ social structures. Schools are excellent examples of social structure because they bring together people from various backgrounds. Individuals within a group have diverse upbringings and histories because they are embedded in a social system. A system member shares most of the members’ beliefs and knowledge, as well as their values, goals, roles, or responsibilities.


The school’s social hierarchy determines the roles and responsibilities assigned to students and faculty. Staff members’ roles and responsibilities vary based on their seniority, education, area of expertise, and management position (Connell et al., 2020). In addition, different students within the learner population have different positions and standings in schools based on their specific abilities and level of seniority. The chief prefect is responsible for maintaining student order and discipline and is assisted in various roles by other exceptional students. Every class, for instance, has a monitor responsible for maintaining classroom order in the teacher’s absence and reporting students who violate classroom rules to the teacher.

The educational system’s ultimate goal is for its students to mature into the best versions of the roles in society that match their skills and interests. High and middle schools play critical roles in information dissemination, student training, and socialization. Schools prioritize knowledge transfer to the next generation as a social system. Every student receives domestic and daily life assistance from their school. Young people gain insight into their future roles at home and in the classroom through perception and self-discovery (Connell et al., 2020). Students develop unique personalities and skills by participating in extracurricular clubs and organizations. As a result, some learners develop political leadership skills, hence achieving the primary goal of education, which is to help each student develop their character. Roles and statuses are streamlined and established based on each individual’s level of mastery. There is no better social institution than a school for instilling the values of liberty, equality, and brotherhood in the next generation.

A social system’s responsibility is to facilitate socialization among its members. While still in school, students have numerous opportunities to develop their leadership skills through extracurricular activities. Students gain the ability to complete response exercises independently with the assistance of instructors. By allowing students to make more independent decisions, the principal and teaching staff demonstrate greater trust in their students. They value students’ autonomy and right to form social relationships without adult supervision (Connell et al., 2020). They are in charge of the student’s participation in neighborhood activities. Teaching students about social norms and traditions while instilling a sense of civic responsibility is critical. As a result, society provides a foundation for enacting desired societal changes. The negative consequences of harmful customs and rituals are conveyed to the next generation. In that case, they will almost certainly fight to have them removed from society at large, particularly educational institutions.


The theory of social systems has proven to be a reliable framework for elucidating the operation of educational institutions. People think of schools as social systems with distinct institutional features, responsibilities, and anticipations for the people attending them. As an institution, it fulfills the role of providing opportunities for socialization. It has several existing players, all of whom are obligated to successfully carry out the duties that have been delegated to them. The interconnection of the many different agencies into a school’s social system helps to achieve the desired goal actions for the system. When comparing traditional education to progressive education using the criteria outlined above, we find that the traditional schools in our country have several shortcomings.


Connell, R. W., Ashenden, D. J., Kessler, S., & Dowsett, G. W. (2020). Making the difference: Schools, families and social division. Routledge.

Merriam-Webster. (2021). Social Systems Definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster.

Wikimedia. (2021). Social System. Wikipedia.

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