Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery


The article “Transsexual attractions and sexual reassignment surgery: Risks and potential risks” by Richard P. Fitzgibbons discusses transsexual issues and sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) that are widely disseminated by the media, governments, and schools. It is often young people who turn to specialists for treatment of transsexual attraction (TSA) and gender dysphoria. However, there are currently serious risks associated with the proposed treatment. The author argues that it is important that the family and youth are informed about these risks and alternative treatment options. The article is a relevant source for discussing such a problem as transgenderism and the treatment of this disorder. The purpose of the article is to prove that it is doctors and mental health professionals who have a professional responsibility to know and report serious risks.


The main topic of the study is the problem of transsexuality, which is the cause of new disputes in schools and the public. The article contains evidence from other primary and secondary scientific sources. The study focuses on how transgenderism affects the level of socialization in public places. As a result, the main finding is that the delicate treatment of youth from transsexual conflicts has a positive effect on the dynamics of socialization. The main message of the article is to convince transgender people, especially young people, not to be afraid to seek medical help. In this work, the data of controlled clinical trials are not available to measure the effectiveness of these treatment methods. However, it is important to follow the recommendations of those with extensive clinical experience until controlled studies are conducted.


The article is an interesting and reliable source for further research. I think it would be worthwhile to add to the author the importance of how awareness of the psychiatric risks associated with surgery, which are described in the mental health literature, would affect these young people. However, in order to treat issues related to transgenderism, it is necessary to address the underlying psychological conflicts of childhood that interfere with appreciating the goodness of a child’s masculinity or femininity. The presence of a large number of studies is a rather valuable attribute of this article as it allows the reader to compare different social and age groups of transgender people and how treatment affects their condition.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 27). Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery." February 27, 2024.


StudyCorgi. "Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery." February 27, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery." February 27, 2024.

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