When patients move from one setting to another, it is appropriate for practitioners and physicians to have a seamless strategy in order to maximize health outcomes. Family members and relatives involved during the transition process should embrace appropriate ideas to meet the needs of persons with terminal conditions. This paper gives a detailed step-by-step approach to implementing the intended project. The ultimate objective will be to conduct the proposed study successfully and present evidence-based insights for embracing self-care management education and improving the health outcomes of congestive heart failure patients.
Steps for Implementation
As described in Phase 2 (Planning), a randomized controlled trial design will be considered for the proposed research project. Several steps will be completed in order to record positive results and present superior insights for empowering patients to engage in self-care management practices. The first process will be to identify the right candidates or individuals to participate in the research (Campbell, 2017). A powerful approach will be considered to ensure that the selected patients fulfill these conditions: have congestive heart failure, had been hospitalized within the past thirty days, and are willing to be part of the process. Sixty individuals will be identified, whereby half of them will form the control group, and the rest will receive the intended instructions.
The second step will be that of guiding and monitoring the readiness of nurses wishing to provide the required insights and information to the patients. Relevant materials and clinical guidelines will be prepared and handed over to these practitioners. The third step will be that of treatment or provision of the intended instructions. During this phase, all the nurses involved will be required to make inferences and journal entries (Moir, Roberts, Martz, Perry, & Tivis, 2015). This means that the fourth step will be that of data collection. The gathered information will be grouped in such a way that it provides powerful insights from the two (control and experimental) groups.
The fifth stage will be to analyze the collected data and information. As indicated earlier, a qualitative model will be considered to develop meaningful discussions and insights for empowering future clinicians and practices to embrace the power of transitional nursing (Loos, Walia, Becker, & Puschner, 2018). This approach will make it easier for healthcare professionals to continue providing superior or high-quality medical services to their respective patients. The sixth step will be to prepare a report detailing the major activities and observations made.
One of the issues that will be taken into consideration during the implementation phase is that each of the identified stages will not be independent of the other. The researchers will be required to merge the phases in order to have a seamless transition (Loos et al., 2018). Some of the activities undertaken during each step might converge with those of the next one (see Figure 1). This initiative will be considered if positive outcomes are to be realized and deliver a powerful report that can inform evidence-based practices for empowering individuals with terminal conditions.
The successful completion of the suggested implementation process will depend on the team’s ability to manage time properly and efficiently. Those involved throughout the period will be required to identify specific roles and match them with the outlined deliverables (Feltner et al., 2014). The table presented below summarizes the timeframe for the targeted research project. It is notable that the implementation phase will take around two months (eight weeks).
However, the period has been prolonged by adding two extra weeks. This extension will be required to analyze the collected data and compose the final report. This approach will ensure that the final report presents evidence-based insights and ideas for empowering health professionals and family members to provide high-quality medical support to discharged patients.

The above timeframe reveals that each step considered throughout the implementation process will be completed within a stipulated period of time. Those involved will be required to focus on this chart in order to deliver positive results and make the research study successful (Feltner et al., 2014). Adequate time has also been allocated to address potential challenges that might emerge throughout the implementation phase (see Figure 1). Such a strategy will ensure that the study process is completed effectively.
The proposed project might not succeed without the provision of adequate resources and financial allocations. It would, therefore, be necessary for the researchers to manage funds properly, make appropriate decisions, and prioritize activities that can support the study process.
They will collaborate with family members and patients in order to minimize overall expenses (Campbell, 2017). This is something necessary since the intended participants and their relatives will benefit significantly from the study. The table below reveals that adequate funds are required to cater for various expenses, including the purchase of handheld devices for specific patients, production and photocopying of manuals or handouts, transport costs for the researchers, Internet subscription, and writing materials (see Figure 2). A computer will also be acquired to store and tabulate the collected information. It will also be used to write the final report.
Figure 2: Budget for the implementation plan.
Resources and Statistical Tools
According to the above discussion, several resources and items will be needed to ensure the proposed research project is completed successfully. Some of them include writing materials, clinical guidelines, the Internet, and a computer. Journal articles and books will be required during the study to provide evidence-based ideas for completing the proposed randomized controlled trial study successfully. Concepts and guidelines from the supervisor will also be instrumental if the project is to deliver positive results (Campbell, 2017). Since the targeted study is expected to be qualitative in nature, statistical tools will not be required.
The above discussion has presented critical steps that will guide the targeted research study. The project is expected to present evidence-based ideas for translating existing theoretical arguments into practice. The outlined timeframe and budget will ensure that every activity is completed efficiently and in a timely manner. The results will empower more clinicians and nurses to educate their patients and monitor their changing needs after being discharged. This practice will address the health challenges many patients living with terminal conditions face and make it easier for them to achieve their potential.
Campbell, K. N. (2017). History, passion, and performance. Workplace Health & Safety, 65(4), 164-167. Web.
Feltner, C., Jones, C. D., Cené, C. W., Zheng, Z. J., Sueta, C. A., Coker-Schwimmer, E. J.,… Jonas, D. E. (2014). Transitional care interventions to prevent readmissions for persons with heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of internal medicine, 160(11), 774-784. Web.
Loos, S., Walia, N., Becker, T., & Puschner, B. (2018). Are you lost in transition? Perceptions of health care among young people with mental health problems in Germany: A qualitative study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 12(1), 41-43. Web.
Moir, C., Roberts, R., Martz, K., Perry, J., & Tivis, L. (2015). Communicating with patients and their families about palliative and end-of-life care: Comfort and educational needs of nurses. International journal of palliative nursing, 21(3), 109-112. Web.