Self-Expression in the Modern Days

Everyone strives for self-expression because it is a source of positive emotions, inspiration, a desire to improve themselves, and a way to eliminate negative energy. One of the most effective ways of self-expression is creativity. A person devotes their time to what they like, for example, composing music or poetry, photography, dancing, drawing pictures. As examples of self-expression, Ackerman (2021) mentions playing the guitar or using body language. Some people are open to these kinds of self-expression, but in the modern world, technologies have become available that attract people’s attention to themselves and prevent the disclosure of creative potential.

I do not agree with the opinions of my colleagues, as with the development of society and technology, access to more information has become available, and it has also become easier to communicate with each other and share their creative results and inspiration. With the help of technology, it is now possible to join clubs of interest and gain experience from professionals. Moreover, technology has made creativity more accessible. Through computers and various graphic programs, it is possible to recreate, for example, lost paintings or letters of great creators, which will help people be closer to art and inspire them to express themselves.

There is a close connection between self-expression and ethics, since self-expression is important not to violate the norms of morality, not to offend a person with your creativity. Naturally, it can be said that no one wanted to offend anyone, this is just an opportunity to express themselves, but the existing ethical standards must be observed in one way or another. It is important not to forget that by violating people’s moral norms, they can also violate their norms, which will ultimately destroy the desire for creativity and self-expression.

In conclusion, technology helps people not only to be closer and keep in touch, but it also helps to restore the masterpieces of past creators and create new ones. Due to digital technologies, people will have the opportunity to preserve what they have created today for future generations. And as adults, today’s children will be able to pass on this most incredible legacy.


Ackerman, C.E. (2021). What is Self-expression and how to foster it? Positive Web.

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