Servant Leader Characteristics Analysis


In the 21st century, people increasingly use terms like collaboration and teamwork. Any team needs a leader to perform certain tasks smoothly and well. A servant leader focuses on the comfort and needs of the employees who are part of his team.

Key Findings

A servant leader must have humility and the ability to listen and care. Without these qualities, it is impossible to achieve respect from team members, proper work organization, and quality task performance.


Several scenarios in which the lack of each characteristic weakened the leader’s legacy can be analyzed by observing people who do not possess the abovementioned qualities.


A leader who does not know how to listen will not be able to help employees solve their problems because he will not understand them.

In addition, employees will stop listening to the leader’s advice if he behaves arrogantly. Wards will feel inferior and will soon want to change the leader.

The third possible scenario that will cause employees to dislike their leader is a refusal to take care of them. If the leader does not care for their mentees, treating them only as labor, their ability to work will diminish.


The key characteristic that must be integrated into the character of a servant leader is listening. Listening is essential to the growth of the servant leader (Spears,2010). Only by listening to the team member will the leader be able to find the right solution to the problem.

The next quality is caring, which is very important: “The ethic of caring extends the idea of justice” (Bier, 2021, p.3). The leader needs to monitor the psychological well-being of team members and make them feel valued and needed.

The third characteristic a leader must possess is humility. In one study, humility was at the top of the list of qualities needed in a ministry leader (Focht & Ponton, 2015). Employees should not be allowed to feel disadvantaged. A leader needs to put themself on an equal footing with their team.


After doing this analysis, I realized that I have these qualities to some extent. I know how to listen to people and understand their problems. Also, I have no problem taking care of people. I need to work on my modesty because sometimes I can act arrogant. To develop this quality, I need to train myself and not put myself above others.


Focht, A., & Ponton, M. (2015). Identifying primary characteristics of servant leadership: Delphi study. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 9(1), 1-108.

Spears, L. C. (2010). Character and servant leadership: Ten characteristics of effective, caring leaders. The Journal of virtues & Leadership, 1(1), 25-30.

Bier, M. C. (2021). Servant leadership for schools. Journal of Character Education, 17(2), 27-46.

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