Sex Workers and New Code of Ethics

The existing social paradigm of redefining equality, respect, and human autonomy has resulted in the rapid need for reconsidering the commonly accepted code of ethics and the overall definition of ethics. Thus, in the article presented by Canadian sex workers’ rights advocate Valerie Scott (2017), the issue of legislation in the context of sex work advertising was presented to the broad public. Particularly, the issue of stigmatizing sex workers in the advertisement in the Canadian NOW Magazine was addressed.

One of the fundamental ethical principles of Environment Funders Canada is the commitment to the public good and public benefit, which implies that the firm should make sure that every social and philanthropic initiative leads to a change for a better future. For this reason, the company should work closely with non-government organizations and sex workers’ unions to present an integrated empowerment framework. It would promote educational and social support interventions for people at risk of resorting to prostitution against their will, as well as safe sex work organizations’ promotion for empowered individuals who make a conscious choice of providing sex services to the local community.

In such a way, the firm will be able to secure social responsibility for sex workers, as currently, they are protected neither by the government nor by the general public. Raising awareness on the legalization of sex work and providing more legal safety actions is crucial, as according to Scott (2017). “we are seeing an increase in street-based sex work across Canada,” which inevitably leads to unaddressed sex crimes and further stigmatization of paid sexual intercourse (para. 12). Thus, by addressing the legalization and social support for sex work, the firm will justify its commitment to securing public good and a safe environment for people included in sex work.


Scott, V. (2017). In defense of NOW Magazine’s sex workers’ ads. NOW Magazine Toronto. Web.

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