Sexism Rates in Modern Society

Sexism is ideological that brings superiority between the female and male gender. Even though it is difficult to quantify sexism to the hearer or reader, sexism places prejudice on men and discriminates against women. Today, sexism has escalated in society and slowed the progression towards gender equality. Thus, increased sexism has, on certain metrics, frozen equality between men and women as it has become the predominant source of global gender inequality towards girls and women. The amount of sexism is increasing in modern society compared to previous decades.

Sexism has prominently increased in today’s societies and cultures than in the past generation. It has taken embodiment in society without expectation in every gender, belief, and age. There are strong expectations from men and women today than in the past decades, which have become the basal definition of the modern culture (Zhu & Chang, 2020). Women and girls face objectification in varied pursuits such as relationships and workplaces. Even though much has not been done to understand increasing rates of sexism, men equally face suppression in greater measures as women may experience. It poses difficulties to being a man because men are articulated to be fearless, masculine, and emotionless irrespective of situations (Zhu & Chang, 2020). For example, society expects men to be tough and love sports ruling out the love for education and literature. The amount of sexism is gradually increasing as a problem in today’s society and culture, and both genders are blamed. All people are faced with different oppressions in various ways. For this reason, there is a need for the problem of sexism to be quit and formulate lasting change in today’s society.

Overall, modern society has seen more sexism rates than in the past. Unfortunately, sexism has unexpectedly established itself at different levels, ages, and beliefs. Men and women have strongly differed in the expectations required of them by society. Thus, these expectations have defined today’s society culture that objectifies girls and women in aspects such as the workplace and social life without little regard for men. Men are subjected to suppression by a society that expects them to be fearless, tough, emotionless, and masculine. Increasing sexism is the problem that hinders today’s society, and the blame rests upon both genders. Therefore, lasting change is needed to eliminate sexism as everyone faces numerous suppression in different ways.


Zhu, N., & Chang, L. (2020). An evolutionary life history explanation of sexism and gender inequality. Personality and Individual Differences, 157, 109806.

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