Sexual Deviance and Challenges: Kinsey Reports

The Issue of Sexual Deviance

Kinsey Reports gathered their samples through the stratified sampling method. In the stratified sampling method, subjects are chosen according to their behavior relatedness, a massive sign of subject bias. According to Goode (2016), Kinsey’s study failed to address representativeness, skewing the research. In Kinsey’s sex study, he used homogeneous subjects, including those from the middle class, more homosexuals, and less African-American. The sample missed the working-class and the African Americans to be part of the analyzed population. Here, biasness is evident because other people were not given a chance to represent their ethnicity, race, or religion. The skewed samples cannot aid in generating findings that are valid and dependable but somewhat misleading. Thus, Kinsey should have used methodologies that better reflect the views and behaviors of a society cross-section as a whole, including both women and men and subjects from diverse races within the country.

Additionally, the Chicago sex survey gathered its sample through the quota sampling method. Murray (2016) alludes that the Chicago sex survey interviewed 3,500 adults aged between 18-59 years, and the sample was nationally representative and exemplified the population composition as a whole. The chapter presents a comprehension that people from different ethnic groups, races, gender, and the economic class gave their views, hence making the research dependable. In the quota method of obtaining samples, the researcher ensures that subjects represent the whole population regarding gender, race, and economic status. Arguably, the quota sampling method made the audience believe and trust the Chicago sex survey.


One challenge of using the stratified method in collecting samples is that the large sample population might not give an accurate picture and opinion. In the stratified method, the subjects have personal interests in the research topic, providing biased or skewed information. For instance, the Kinsey research sample incorporated homosexuals, giving views of appraising same-sex affairs (Murray, 2016). Therefore, the audiences and the public become suspicious of the research findings.

One encounter with the quota method of subject sampling is that the individual target sample might be against the research topic, hence defying to take part in the research. For instance, the conservative did not want the sociologists to conduct sex-related research, thus blocking it (Murray, 2016). It becomes challenging for researchers to convince the target population to participate in the survey, which is a massive challenge.


Goode, E. (2016). Deviant behavior (11th ed.). Routledge.

Murray, S. (2016). Edited by Sullivan, N. & Murray Samantha. Somatechnics: Queering the technologization of bodies. Routledge.

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