Workplace Sexual Harassment: Problem Solutions

Definition of the Problem

The ethical decision model is among the most used ethical strategies that aid in creating the most efficient solutions to any ethical issue. The model purposely lacks the financial aspect so the person assessing it would pay close attention to values instead of profit. Weak corporate culture, lack of awareness about sexual harassment regulation, and no internal employee control are the leading causes of inappropriate behavior. The issue can be defined as an unwanted sexual advance or other sexual nature conduct, which offends, humiliates, and hurts the feelings of the victim. All employees must be able to identify any type of sexual harassment and not be scared to report it while it is the employer’s responsibility to always respond to such allegations and impose correct penalties. However, the current situation regarding sexual harassment is far from perfect and needs the development of highly effective solutions against predatory behavior.

Seek out Relevant Assistance, Guidance, and Support

Although recent years have been effective in terms of speaking out about sexual harassment in all industries, there is still no evident improvement regarding this unacceptable behavior. It was discovered that 94% of the organizations in the United States have policies against sexual harassment in the workplace, which does not entirely solve such a resonant problem (Board, 2018). It is common for the victims to stay quiet or disregard predatory actions; however, there are many existing hotlines and support groups that aid people who experienced workplace harassment and seek help.

Alternative Solutions to the Problem

Many preventive actions that are supposed to fight and eliminate the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace exist. Naturally, zero-tolerance policies are the least the companies can do to contribute to the sexual harassment prevention methods. In addition to the regulations, the employer must create a respectful, healthy environment with a corporate culture in which every worker is treated equally. Training also shows a significant effect while fighting against sexual harassment. Employees gain valuable insights they might never think of and learn how to avoid and avert any inappropriate sexual behavior. The employer must be approachable and trustworthy so that victims feel comfortable coming forward and talking about such a sensitive topic without the fear of retaliation. Hiring a supervising person who will continuously keep an eye on every employee and report each sign of sexual harassment, might be a robust but efficient step for an organization, which previously had experience with unwanted sexual behavior.

Evaluation of Identified Alternatives

It is vital to have clear comprehension and evaluate all strengths and weaknesses of all the proposed solutions to find the most sufficient one. Undoubtedly, zero-tolerance policies and anti-sexual harassment policies must be present at every company, as it is the foundation to preventing unwanted behavior; however, many sexual predators are likely to disregard it and still proceed to harass the employees. Advocating for healthy corporate culture is vital not only for the prevention of inappropriate conduct but also for the overall staff interrelations. Amicable, trust-based relationships between the employees significantly reduce the probability of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

Training has recently gained a controversial nature, even though it must be a mandatory action that can contribute to the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. A New York Times article Sexual harassment training doesn’t work. But some things do state that most seminars dedicated to inappropriate sexual behavior succeed only in teaching basic definitions of the harassment and ways to report them but fail to give information on preventing it from ultimately happening (Miller, 2017). Therefore, while conducting yearly lectures, it is essential not to do it just for the checkmark but also to engage the colleagues and ensure their comprehension.

The employer is as much responsible for unwanted sexual conduct in the workplace as the offender. However, the top management must assure each employee that if any inappropriate actions are taken upon them, it is best to come forward and report them. According to the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, only 17% of employees report sexual harassment to their supervisors (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2018). Therefore, it is crucial to establish trustful employer-employee relationships, so the workers do not hesitate to state any offensive behavior, knowing that the top management will inevitably take appropriate action. Moreover, obtaining a supervisor, responsible for monitoring and identifying inappropriate behavior would be an extremely effective solution for those workplaces with previous experience with sexual harassment. Even though some employees would feel uncomfortable being constantly watched, it would significantly decrease the chance of misconduct reoccurrence.

Making and Implementing the Decision

After assessing all the proposed alternatives, hiring a supervising person, who can continually monitor the employee’s behavior and have occasional conversations with them, would be the most effective way of preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Nevertheless, the other proposed solutions must also be a vital part of the anti-harassment program at every organization. Such an administrator may be present at the place of work for only several days a month; however, compile a precise assessment of the corporate culture, employee relationship, and the existence of a hostile atmosphere. As a part of the job, such attendants may have brief talks with the workers, who can help identify or report inappropriate behavior.

Evaluating the Decision

The decision to acquire a sexual harassment supervisor to the company, combined with other proposed solutions, will significantly decrease the chances of impropriety reoccurrence and establish a safer environment for every worker. By hiring a person responsible for monitoring inappropriate actions in the company, the chances of a sexual predator taking action are much lower. Additionally, by establishing ensuring relationships with the superintendent, employees would be more comfortable to report any issues to them. Sexual harassment topics cannot be ignored or misconceived, as hesitation to act on them may lead to severe consequences for the victims.


Australian Human Rights Commission. (2018). Everyone’s business: 2018 sexual harassment Survey. Web.

Board, N. (2018). Ending sexual harassment in the workplace. Journal of Employee Assistance, 48(2), 18–20.

Miller, C. (2017). Sexual harassment training doesn’t work. But some things do. The New York Times. Web.‌

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