Sexuality and Sexual Behavior Changes Over Time

Sexual behavior is characterized as a complex mental, social and physiological process. A particularly strong influence on the formation of this aspect is exerted not only by the immediate environment but also by environmental factors. Sexual perception varies depending on age, gender and personality traits. Studies also define such behavior as reactions that are aimed at finding a partner to interact with at the level of sex. Thus, sexual behavior is characterized by a person’s inner readiness for sexual relations.

The definition of “natural” sexual behavior can become quite problematic. This is due to the fact that the concept of the norm is absolutely different for all people. Factors such as environment, life situation, external factors, religion and cultural traditions. The main features that can describe a person’s sexual behavior as “normal” can be considered that people can enjoy sexual interaction in a variety of ways and they do not depend on them. This fact is also reflected in the individual’s ability to continue to develop actively and be realized in all spheres of life.

However, the norm of sexual behavior can be defined as certain individual sexual characteristics of a person that allow them to experience sexual pleasure. Moreover, it ensures the harmony of intimate relationships with a partner, which occurs in the process of understanding the desires and sexual needs of the individual. The criteria of the sexual norms are difficult to define, as they have a relationship to biological, social and personal factors. Moreover, individual deviations, external and internal factors, morality and religion contribute.

Sexuality is defined as a set of habits and preferences concerning an individual’s sexual behavior. Thus, it can be expressed in many different ways and change over time. As a child, a person is just beginning to know his body, and love and intimacy are formed in attachment to parents. In adolescence, the most intriguing and difficult period of puberty begins. Teenagers begin to explore their own sexuality and some of them become sexually active. Over the years, sexual behavior has decreased, but people still need physical intimacy.

Culture has one of the most important influences on the development of human sexuality. One of the significant historical events related to the topic under study is the sexual revolution of the 1960s-1970s. During this period, the tendency to increase sexual awareness in society has become widespread (Liu, 2021). Moreover, sexology and the topic of sexuality began to actively develop and form. There was the liberation of the body of a woman and a man, which gave people the right to freely dispose of their own bodies in sexual behavior.

At present, the phenomenon of the sexual revolution still has its contribution to people. With the development of society, views on sexual behavior and sexuality, in general, have also changed. They also include aspects such as age, gender and orientation. Now society is much more loyal and tolerant of different orientations. In addition, the age of initiation of sexual relations has decreased, which can sometimes lead to unwanted pregnancies and early abortions. Moreover, social norms and rules for the manifestation of sexuality depend on culture, religion and epoch. In the modern world, it has become clear that the public demonstration of sexuality on television is rapidly gaining popularity. This was the reason for its spread on television, in songs, movies and other media.


Liu, C. (2021). A theory of sexual revolution: explaining the collapse of the norm of premarital abstinence. Mind & Society, 20(1), 41-58. Web.

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