Sexual Issues Confronting Healthcare Providers in the 21st Century

Sexuality involves the ability and needs to experience mutual emotional closeness to another human being. Sexuality matters because it goes beyond more than sex, influencing people in their lives. Healthcare providers in the 21st century have experienced sexual issues pertaining relationship between sexual wellbeing and health (Fortenberry, 2016). Sexual well-being refers to a state of mental, emotional, physical, cultural, biological, behavioral, and societal well-being interrelated to sexuality and the lack of infirmity (WHO, 2019). Sexual health needs a respectful and positive method for sexual relations, sexuality, and the potential for partaking in harmless and enjoyable sexual experiences, free of violence, discrimination, and compulsion. To achieve and uphold sexual health, sexual rights must be fulfilled, protected, and valued. Sexual well-being has been impacted by numerous social factors such as behavior and sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, health literacy and educational level, social and cultural norms, and healthcare access. Healthcare providers have had the responsibility of understanding these social determinants and mitigating disparities to improve patient health.

Sexual well-being entails core domains including comfort with sexuality, self-determination in individual sex life, the forgiveness of past sexual events, resilience concerning past sexual experiences, sexual self-esteem, sexual respect, and sexual security and safety. These domains have a significant effect on health such that sexual security and safety entail experiences of reduced threat tied with practices of actions taken to ease susceptibility (Kleinstäuber, 2017). As such, sexual well-being is attained when there are coercion-free environments, relationship trust, safety rituals, and free expression of sexuality. Healthcare professionals strive to ensure sexual security and safety due to its relevance as it is associated with gender-based violence, sexual rights, and educating sexual consent dealing with menaces to sex workforces (Fortenberry, 2016). Another domain for sexual wellbeing that is relevant to health is sexual respect, which entails the insight of positive esteem by others for individual sexual personhood. Sexual respect contributes to sexual well-being by mitigating the influence of encounters of violence and tolerating differences. It also relates to health whereby healthcare providers engage elements of interventions to prevent sexual harassment and enforce sexual rights on minority groups.

Sexual well-being involves one’s sexual self-esteem, which is a sentimental appraisal of an individual as a sexual being. The domain contributes to sexual well-being by associating with sexual satisfaction and mindful attention to sexual attractions. Sexual self-esteem promotes interventions that advance general sexual functioning and develop capacities to relate to partners sexually. Resilience associated with sexual experience is relevant to sexual well-being because it influences long-term wellness trajectories and the interplay of unique resources and assets. Through sexual resilience, there are more minor sexual minority stressors effects and recovery support from intellectual conditions that promote health (Kleinstäuber, 2017). Sexual well-being is characterized by the ability to forgive past experiences. Healthcare providers offer interventions to support the recovery of trauma associated with sex. As a result of forgiveness, health is promoted by reducing harm, improving wellbeing, and improving relationship quality. Worldwide public experiences significantly unwanted sexual attractions and issues with reproductive self-determination that influence sexual health. Autonomous choices regarding sexuality support the capability to orient choices towards others when determining one’s sex life.

Sexual well-being is essential to health, and it is an indicator of health equity. In public health, populace wellbeing strategies seek to develop achievable and measurable goals toward equity. Given disparities associated with sexual and sexuality expression, sexual well-being is regarded as a relevant indicator of populace wellbeing. Healthcare workers’ inequalities include gender and sexual identity-based fierceness and systematic and pervasive racial (WHO, 2019). An approach to sexual wellbeing identifies transgenerational traumas marking exemplary needs of a disadvantaged person, which then offer support to the implementation of health approaches. Sexual well-being is also depicted as a meaningful indicator of one’s health as the general well-being of the population continues to be an area of focus for public health (Fortenberry, 2016). Essential insights about individual health in an entire life course are obtained from sexual well-being that promotes community engagement in health, practices, and policies. Sexual well-being captures populace drifts distinct from erotic health actions and interventions and progresses caregivers’ beliefs, forms, and health activities.

Everyone desires to benefit from good health, and sexual health is an essential and fundamental part of general well-being and health in whole life and absence of dysfunction. Sexual well-being is an essential part of emotional and physical health that needs positive approaches to sex, sexual affairs, and the potential of partaking in harmless and pleasurable sexual beliefs, experiences, and psychological factors inhibiting sexual relationships. Healthcare providers have implemented approaches for sexual health promotion to enhance individuals achieving the ability to improve and control their sexual health (WHO, 2019). The promotion of sexual health focuses on enhancing emotional and sexual well-being and helping persons to reduce the risks of spreading diseases. A series of strategies have been put in place to promote sexual well-being by focusing on transforming people’s behaviors, including skills-building, peer-group, motivational, and educational approaches. Interventions of sexual health are complex and focus on enhancing sexual wellbeing and reducing unwanted pregnancies and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). People only experience maximum sexual health capacity when controlling these components. Promoting positive sexual well-being and health entails education to create people’s ability to comprehend sexuality.

Sexuality is understood based on sociocultural, psychological, and biological considerations and to obtain skills in managing responsible actions and decisions based on sexual health behaviors. Healthcare workers respond to people’s questions and concerns, educate and counsel them about sexual issues, and provide prevention and treatment options for sexual diseases (Kleinstäuber, 2017). The existence of gaps in sexual health services delivery among the population results in a lack of sexual well-being and a negative effect on people’s health. Sexual health gaps include sociocultural changes, sexual information, invalid resources, and lacking formal education. Sexual well-being and health are intertwined, and any threatening factors that affect sexual well-being have a similar effect on individual health. Sexual health promotions are employed to enlighten one, treat associated diseases, and correct individual attitudes.

In conclusion, most healthcare providers are optimistic about providing reproductive and sexual health services to people. Sexual well-being depicts individuals’ health and quality of life, controlling unwanted pregnancies and sexual diseases. Sexual health is significant to the general well-being and health of people and economic and social development. Affirmatively, sexual health needs respectful and constructive approaches to sexual wellbeing, sexual relationships, and the likelihood of having safe and pleasant sexual practices, free from fierceness, discrimination, and compulsion. Healthcare providers deal with sexual well-being and health by ensuring that individuals have access to comprehensive and quality information regarding sexuality, knowledge about associated risks, access to sexual healthcare, and live in a sex-positive environment. It is depicted that issues related to sexual health are extensive and include gender identity, relationships, expression, and sexual orientation. Lack of sexual well-being results in unhealthy beings with adverse conditions like sexual dysfunction, sexual violence, and disease infections.


Fortenberry, J. D. (2016). Adolescent sexual wellbeing in the 21st century. Journal of Adolescent Health, 58(1), 1-2.

Kleinstäuber, M. (2017). Factors associated with sexual health and wellbeing in older adulthood. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 30(5), 358-368.

WHO. (2019). Sexual health. Web.

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