Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Nursing Activities

The selected important health issue for the Miami-Dade community is increasingly high rates of sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV amongst the population. The rate of STD and HIV prevalence has continued to increase in the past two decades. The total incidence of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and infectious syphilis levels has risen to over 1500 diagnoses per 100,000 population. HIV cases have also increased to over 1300 in comparison to lower numbers in previous years (Moore, 2016).

Furthermore, there is a high number of potentially undiagnosed or untreated infections. This creates challenges and problems for population health, ranging from exponential growth of transmission rates to adverse outcomes that can be associated with these diseases. Certain vulnerable populations such as minorities and young adults are more susceptible as well.

This community health issue directly correlates with one of the nursing responsibilities of care and disease prevention. A nurse serves a role as a specialist on aspects such as disease prevention and health management while working as a community educator. Increasing rates of STDs and HIV are dependent on health behaviors and sexual practices in the population. Nurses have the unique position of skill and experience as well as contact with the patient to engage in health promotion, especially in sensitive issues such as sexual health that may require unique and personal approaches. A nurse is a leader to implement meaningful policy changes that would provide care and services to vulnerable populations and those requiring treatment.

Furthermore, leadership through evidence-based practice is vital to developing meaningful public health interventions. A nurse is an advocate for eliminating barriers to care and ensuring funding for vital community health services that may prevent infectious epidemics, such as with STDs.

The position of nurses on the front lines provides a unique opportunity to improve sexual and reproductive health in populations. Nurses care for vulnerable populations such as minorities or adolescents in a variety of settings, including many in the community such as acute care clinics, schools, and community centers. Using this in-depth community access, nurses can engage in conversation and education of patients.

This includes providing evidence-based information on sexual protection methods and ways to minimize high-risk behavior (Maria, Guilamo-Ramos, Jemmott, Derouin, & Villarruel, 2017). Individuals in the community may not have reliable sources of information or a comprehensive understanding of the issue. However, a nurse has the capacity and opportunity to provide that to guide competent decision-making regarding sexual health.

Public health nurses play a critical role in the prevention of STDs and HIV by providing specialized care and creating interventions aimed at educating the population. Public health nurses often serve as a critical entry point of patients into the healthcare system and can provide proper preventative care and healthcare referrals (Bungay, Masaro, & Gilbert, 2014). Nurses participate in developing systematic change. Nurses are a resource that can break down cultural and communal barriers, challenging common assumptions and eliminating the discomfort of discussing STDs. Through the elimination of stigma and the provision of information, nurses hold a key role in STD prevention.

The state representative Roy Hardemon currently represents the 108th district of Miami. He is on the Florida house health and human services committee as well as the health innovation subcommittee (“Roy Hardemon,” n.d.). Hardemon has sponsored a number of bills aiming at community health improvement which would make him a good local representative with whom to discuss this issue.


Bungay, V., Masaro, C. L., & Gilbert, M. (2014). Examining the scope of public health nursing practice in sexually transmitted infection prevention and management: what do nurses do? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23(21-22), 3274-3285. Web.

Maria, D. S., Guilamo-Ramos, V., Jemmott, L. S., Derouin, A., & Villarruel, A. (2017). Nurses on the front lines: Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health across health care settings: An evidence-based guide to delivering counseling and services to adolescents and parents. The American Journal of Nursing, 117(1), 42-51. Web.

Moore, E. (2016). Responding to high rates of sexually-transmitted diseases in Miami-Date Country. Epi Monthly Report, 17(4), 1-4. Web.

Roy Hardemon – (D) Florida. (n.d.).

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