Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Experiments?


Experiments on animals are perhaps one of the most controversial issues of modern science. Proponents of animal testing point to the enormous progress in medicine that has become possible thanks to such practices. Opponents consider them cruel and senseless since the results of animal observations are not always applicable to humans. Unfortunately, at the moment, the use of animals in science and medicine cannot be excluded entirely. However, it is possible to conduct preliminary experiments using mathematical distribution models and reduce the number of animals in the experiment.

“Animal experiments” are often called “vivisection,” this term literally means cutting living beings. It historically refers only to experiments involving the dissection of living animals. However, much indicates that opponents of animal experiments commonly use a broader definition. It is also worth noting that scientists themselves use the term “animal experiments.” The topic of this essay is related to the study of the use of animals for laboratory research, mainly for medication development and disease analysis. The importance of writing this paper lies in the fact that the ethical question regarding laboratory animals has been open for more than a century. Therefore, a problem requires more study and analysis to formulate a final answer.

Standardization of Research

Due to the enormous variety of experimental techniques, it is possible to reduce the number of animals in laboratories mainly through standardization of research and mandatory thorough literature analysis. This will help to avoid repeating the experiments already conducted (Nunamaker 2031). However, other scientists may note that alternatives to using animals exist; new ones are actively developed, but it is impossible to replace everything (Rai and Kuldeep 898). On the other hand, it is possible to conduct preliminary experiments using mathematical models and reduce the number of animals in the experiment.

Experiments on Low-Organized Species

If possible, scientists need to conduct experiments on low-organized species because their nervous system is simpler. Thus, they suffer less. For example, it is worth noting that it is more developed in mice than in fish. If it were possible to conduct experiments on the effects of toxic substances only on bacteria, it would be better (Ghidan 20). However, the more complex the system, the more factors will influence the result. For example, for bacteria, a specific dose of the substance will be toxic, but it will not affect mice in any way, and vice versa (Codecasa, Elisa, et al. 698). In this case, the research method should be applied to certain parts of the body. This will help avoid the threat of death of the animal and reduce the harm from the experiment’s effects.

Development of Modern Technologies

Nowadays, there are new developments, for example, synthetic cornea; they allow scientists to avoid using animals in experiments. The more modern the technology, the more accurate and closer to reality the result will be (Desmoulin-Canselier and Baptiste). However, such solutions are expensive because this is not the most common solution but patented by some developers (Cheluvappa, Rajkumar et al.). Not all companies can afford it and resort to the old methods. In this case, it is necessary to expand the field of development of such artificial body parts. It is possible to introduce alternatives in toxicological studies, where the most harmful animal experiments are observed.


The primary position is the desire to reduce the use of animals and find alternatives. In addition, humane approaches to their content and use in physiological experiments should be adopted. At each stage of experimental work, it is necessary to give an account of actions, to take care of animals. They do not understand what is happening and must create the most comfortable conditions. However, people cannot stop there, and scientists need to move science and medicine forward. Nevertheless, at the same time, people should remember that scientists work with living organisms that give their lives in the name of science. It is essential to act consciously and humanely, to understand for what purpose people are doing this.

Works Cited

Cheluvappa, Rajkumar, et al. “Ethics of animal research in human disease remediation, it’s institutional teaching; and alternatives to animal experimentation.” Pharmacology research and perspectives, vol. 5, no. 4, 2017, e00332.

Codecasa, Elisa, et al. “Legal Frameworks and Controls for the Protection of Research Animals: A Focus on the Animal Welfare Body with a French Case Study.” Animals: an open access journal from MDPI, vol. 11, no. 3, 2021, pp. 695-700.

Desmoulin-Canselier, Sonia, and Baptiste Moutaud. “Animal Models and Animal Experimentation in the Development of Deep Brain Stimulation: From a Specific Controversy to a Multidimensional Debate.” Frontiers in neuroanatomy, vol. 13, no. 51, 2019.

Ghidan, Alaa Yousef. “Novel Experimental Work on Animals: Law and Ethics’ Perspective.” Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, vol. 5, 2020, pp. 19–21.

Nunamaker, Elizabeth. “Developing Recommendations for Cumulative Endpoints and Lifetime Use for Research Animals.” Animals, vol. 11, no. 7, 2021, p. 2031.

Rai, Jagdish, and Kuldeep Kaushik. “Reduction of Animal Sacrifice in Biomedical Science & Research through Alternative Design of Animal Experiments.” Saudi pharmaceutical journal: SPJ: the official publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, vol. 26, no. 6, 2018, pp. 896-902.

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