Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Styles

Social Entrepreneurship Definition

Social entrepreneurship is a unique phenomenon aimed at addressing social issues that influence the lives of individuals. The significance of this issue results in the emergence of numerous definitions. One of the most relevant ones views it as offering innovative solutions to the most important social problems. It is a critical element of the modern world aimed at creating a better environment and enhancing the quality of people’s lives. For this reason, social entrepreneurs play an important role in numerous processes critical for the evolution of communities. It means that they view and offer new opportunities that others can employ to attain better outcomes. Moreover, in trying to resolve nagging problems, social entrepreneurs have the anticipatory governance of innovation and engage stakeholders around them (Lubberink et al., 2018). It results in the radical change of the current system and creates the basis for new achievements.

Transformational and Charismatic Leadership

Social entrepreneurship is closely connected with leadership as it helps to develop innovative solutions. For instance, transformational leaders inspire others to alter and engage in the process of social change (Northouse, 2021). Acting in this way, they promote positive alteration and eliminate elements that negatively affect various communities or people (Northouse, 2021). It means that transformation is achieved due to the strong influence of a leader. Charismatic style can also be linked to social entrepreneurship as such leaders influence others by persuasion, charisma, and communication (Northouse, 2021). They help groups to unite to address nagging problems and topical issues.

Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative leaders can also be effective in promoting positive social change. They unite teams from different sectors to work together and find the most effective solution to a particular problem (Northouse, 2021). It means that this collaboration becomes an effective tool to introduce new methods to deal with relevant issues and resolve them. It can be correlated with the idea of stakeholder engagement which is vital for developing and implementing innovations under the rule of creative leaders (Lubberink et al., 2018). From another perspective, social entrepreneurship can be viewed as a sort of collaboration aimed at working on a certain phenomenon to minimize its negative influence on communities.

Social Entrepreneurship Startup Plan

As for my own social entrepreneurship startup plan, it is vital to use specific skills and approaches to attain success. First, following the ideas of transformational leadership, it is critical to inspire others and make them see the problem. The next step is also necessary for innovating society and implies engaging numerous stakeholders as the basis for the upcoming change (Lubberink et al., 2018). However, the transformation should start with me, as it is vital to view unconventional approaches to address traditionally problematic aspects. Finally, it is essential to determine the goal and element that should be improved and start working on it in teams to alter the system and promote positive change.


Lubberink, R., Blok, V., van Ophem, J., van der Velde, G., & Omta, O. (2018) Innovation for society: Towards a typology of developing innovations by social entrepreneurs, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 9(1), 52-78, Web.

Northouse, P. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed.). SAGE Publications.

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