Social Injustice: Eradication Strategies

The World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 with the goal of promoting peaceful and prosperous coexistence between and among countries. “If you want peace and growth, work for social justice” was the theme in the year 2019 (Tobin & Barrett, 2020). A healthy society is critical because it ensures that everyone has the same rights. This is the only way for societies and countries to develop peacefully and without discrimination. There are numerous strategies for resolving various forms of social injustice.

Eradicating Hunger and Poverty on a Global Scale

Social justice advocates have a lot in common with poor and hungry people. Over 800 million people, or 11% of the world’s population, are perpetually hungry (Tobin & Barrett, 2020). As a result of discrimination and social injustice, poor people have health education access, medical care, as well as other essential services, which results in hunger, malnutrition, and illness. To contribute to the end of world hunger, people must take a multifaceted approach. This includes collaborative projects with a diverse range of stakeholders who contribute to food safety and participation in policy debates that inform future programs for citizens.

Gender Equality Promotion

People must ensure that everyone has equal rights and the right to live in peace and without fear of being beaten or discriminated against, regardless of where they live. In every three women globally, one has been abused by a partner or sexually assaulted by someone else during their lifetime (Lee et al., 2020). Through sharing their stories, people can assist the coming generations of female captains in going further and reaching new and greater heights (Lee et al., 2020). People should thus be advised to take part in a campaign, spread the word on social media, or make a donation to a group that assists women in need. Therefore, the opinions of citizens, in general, are very significant.

Struggle for Workplace Rights

Working in an ethical manner benefits both the public and business. Around 300 million workers lived in extreme poverty in 2017, earning less than $1.90 per day (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). Thus, it is critical in a fair workplace that workers receive all necessary information about their rights for free (Watts & Hodgson, 2019). Additionally, guaranteeing that everyone has an equal chance of finding work helps ensure that everyone has an equal amount of money. Sustain support for trade unions that fight for fair treatment of workers and their families from public and private employers.

Contributing to a More Diverse Workforce

If a particular individual lives in the United Kingdom and has at least one disabled family member, they are not alone. Everyone has the same rights, and no one can be discriminated against when exercising them on the basis of their gender, disability, political beliefs, religion, and orientation. Regrettably, violations of human rights continue to be widespread, particularly in developing countries (Bohoslavsky, 2019). Diversification benefits a business by increasing productivity, encouraging new ideas, enhancing risk management, increasing customer and business partner satisfaction, and opening or maintaining business opportunities.

Time Contribution

The 77% of volunteers report that their social actions have changed as a result of their volunteer work, and 55% report that they have become more involved as a result of their volunteer work. By volunteering a few hours of their time, individuals can make a significant difference in a child’s life and put an end to a systemic, root cause of injustice (Hanks, 2020). Before joining any movement, individuals should ensure they understand what the movement is about and why it is important. Making friends with people who share your interests is a fantastic idea. Activist groups and organizers in the area frequently hold public meetings and are always on the lookout for new members.


Bohoslavsky, J. P. (2019). A human rights approach to deal with economic and corruption issues in Ukraine. European Yearbook on Human Rights 2019, 439-468.

Hanks, H. (2020). Psychological and emotional support in the workplace: Can it make a difference for the longer term? Long Term Systemic Therapy, 121-136.

Lee, C., Oh, J., & Lee, S. (2020). Why do people reveal their travel experiences on social media? International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 34(3), 21-32.

Tobin, J., & Barrett, D. (2020). The right to health and health-related human rights. Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights, 67-88.

Watts, L., & Hodgson, D. (2019). Social justice and social work practice. Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social Work, 171-185.

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