Social Media in Nursing Practice


It is evident that social media became one of the most powerful instruments used by numerous specialists from a variety of professions (Hood, 2014). People use social networks to find out about the latest news and exchange information. It is interesting how the current state of the social media network allows nurses to connect with their patients (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). This is rather important because this opportunity highlights the ability to achieve positive outcomes by merely connecting with the patient online.

Holistic nursing practice became accessible to the development and popularization of social networks. On a bigger scale, it allowed the nurses to expand their knowledge on a number of pivotal subjects and develop their professional skills (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). The use of social media can be considered profitable, but nurses should take into consideration the patient’s confidentiality before engaging in this activity.

First Main Point

The impact of social networks on how the nursing practice is perceived is visible. The nurses obtained a novel way to deliver critical information to their patients. Nonetheless, the nurses should be aware of the constantly changing nursing environment and the standards of the nursing practice so as to apply their knowledge of social networks properly (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015).

The unwillingness of the nurses to learn the basics of social networking may lead to serious complexities. The patients will be exposed to the vast amounts of information that can be identified as inappropriate and unreliable (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). This will make the patients more vulnerable to external factors and increase the probability of misinformation.

The nurses are responsible for providing their patients with accurate information concerning their diagnoses, lifestyle changes, and other imperative data. This can be explained by the role of the nurses which consists of helping the patients to preserve their well-being (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). Therefore, the nurses have to avoid incorrect information and guarantee that their patients receive the best care possible.

Second Main Point

Regardless of the benefits of social networks, they possess a number of serious disadvantages that should be mitigated by the nurse. First, the nurse should certify the patient’s confidentiality and follow the ethical considerations of nursing practice (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). There is little chance to convey critical information concerning the patient’s diagnosis if he or she does not trust the nurse.

The nurses should treat their patients with compassion and not disclose any of the information regarding the case. It is vital to minimize the risk of exposing the patients to the public and triggering in them any emotional pain (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015). The use of social media limits the nurses in terms of their behavior and requires them to be professional and understanding at all times.

The nurses should be careful when accessing social media and distinguish between their nursing practice and personal use of social networks. The core objective of the nursing practice is to guarantee positive health outcomes. The nurses are required to make sure that their patients receive the best care and are not impacted by the adverse influence of erroneous evidence (Henderson & Dahnke, 2015).


Irrespective of all the debates concerning the use of social media, the real problem consists of the overall knowledge concerning the use of technology in nursing practice. The patients’ confidentiality and the integrity of the nursing practice are never safe. Nonetheless, social media is an influential tool, and it can impact health outcomes and nursing practice if used properly.

Respectively, the nurses are required to expand their knowledge on the subject so as to provide their patients with high-quality care both online and offline. By using social media correctly, the nurses will be able to provide assistance while not compromising the ethical considerations of the nursing practice. To end with, social media may be firmly considered to be the future of the nursing practice.


Henderson, M., & Dahnke, M. D. (2015). The ethical use of social media in nursing practice. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(1), 62-64.

Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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