Social Networks as a New Way of Socialization

The traditional agents of socialization in modern society are the family, school, and church, which open up the world and friends to each person. Each of them complements the other in equal measure and serves as a support for the individual, allowing them to exist comfortably in society. However, digitalization has advanced society so much that most of people’s socialization occurs on social networks. This way provides answers to all questions, backed by scientifically sound evidence. In addition, on the Internet, everyone can find a circle of like-minded people worldwide.

Social networks have simplified socialization and given more room to find the people and information one needs without stopping at one city or country. Additionally, it has contributed to a comprehensive cultural exchange and the development of tolerance. More often than not, people communicate without being aware of religion, citizenship, and other characteristics of people. Their communication is based on shared interests, which gives a positive dynamic in human society and makes people more tolerant. All the factors mentioned above are the positive side of using social media as a conduit for socialization.

The negative side of social media is expressed in the flow of lies that people use to achieve the necessary acquaintances. Fraud on social media is highly prevalent and is a severe threat to the public. Fakes need to be eliminated, but de-anonymization also hurts society and leads to bullying, which can destroy the personality. It is essential for a person in the moment of socialization to feel safe and not be influenced by marginalized sectors of society (Buyukkececi et al., 2020). Therefore, agents of traditional information need to hold conversations about behavior and cybersecurity.

My socialization is different from my parents and other generations because I have received more diversity and can get information, and meet people all over the world without feeling barriers. The digitalization of society removes the limitations of getting information and finding loved ones. Still, it is essential to take the necessary security measures to feel comfortable being in metacommunities. My experience right now is unique as the speed of various technologies and platforms is increasing, expanding human possibilities to infinity.


Buyukkececi, Z., Leopold, T., van Gaalen, R., & Engelhardt, H. (2020). Family, Firms, and Fertility: A Study of Social Interaction Effects. Demography, 57(1), 243–266. Web.

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