Agents of Socialization: The Development of Social Media Platforms

Socialization is crucial for community growth and economic development since it promotes the exchange of ideas and unity. The development of social media platforms has made it easy for individuals to communicate regardless of the distance between them. Although technology has positively influenced socialization, it is associated with negatives such as misrepresentation and malice. Internet and the use of social media platforms make my interactions with my peers and schoolmates different from my grandparents. Although technology is important for socialization, it should be cautiously used to avoid hurting others.

Growing up involves interacting with different people who positively or negatively influence an individual’s life. Agents of socialization are the people who influence key factors in a person’s development in society. Some of the traditional agents of socialization are peers, schoolmates, and family members. Social media community groups such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger allow people to interact albeit the distance and time between them.

Consequently, social media has influenced socialization since people can interact without physically meeting. Additionally, the social media platforms have integrated translation software that make it easy for individuals to socialize without language barrier. The use of social media has made socialization easy by eliminating the need for physical meeting and language barrier.

However, the internet and social media pose various challenges that are detrimental to socialization. Impersonation and use of pseudo-social media accounts have led to the destruction of other persons’ reputations. Consequently, many people have suffered from depression and anxiety caused by the spread of false information about them. Moreover, the internet is addictive, making people waste productive time on social media platforms.

My experiences with my peers and schoolmates differ from those with my parents and grandparents. While I joke much with my peers and schoolmates over social media, the conversation and interactions with my parents and grandparents are often physical and based on honesty. Therefore, unlike my peers and schoolmates, my parents and grandparents influence pertinent issues involving our family.

Agents of socialization play a central role in influencing individuals’ behaviors. Social media and the internet have positively influenced communication among various agents of socialization. The use of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger groups allows me to interact with my peers and schoolmates. However, the interactions and other socialization activities involving my parents are often physical and about family issues. Using the internet and social media with caution helps in avoiding problems such as impersonation.‌

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 3). Agents of Socialization: The Development of Social Media Platforms.

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