Social Norms in Fashion

Both modern and historical fashion follow a variety of social, cultural, and gender norms. These are susceptible to frequent change due to external and other factors. However, gender norms in relation to dress are especially prominent and largely accepted. This can range from strict adherence to trends to the rejection of cross-dressing, or gender-specific items of clothing. The inability to follow gender-specific dressing by individuals is often seen as a breaking of a social norm. However, the promotion of the total observance of such norms can be harmful in a diverse manner. Fashion-based social and gender norms are unnecessary because they are based on their time period, are unsustainable, and are oppressive.

Gender fluidity is a natural facet of fashion and can be seen to occur frequently throughout history. Historical menswear often depicted features that could be associated with either modern or prior fashion pieces worn more frequently by women (Pariani par. 3). Women who would wear male clothing may have been considered strange and persecuted in some cases. On the other hand, present social norms allow more freedom for women to wear menswear while men are seen as unusual in female dress. These recurring and changing norms in relation to gender suggest that no particular clothing item or style belongs to any gender. Any fashion style can be worn by an individual, and the real limitations are not only bound to the social interpretation of gender but also the time period. As such, there is no inherent factor that argues for gender norms to be necessary or even true in relation to fashion and clothing.

Due to gender norms and even other expectations in regard to clothing, individuals become limited in what they are able to purchase and wear. Men and women are expected to purchase items from distinct categories of clothing. As such, this creates a production system that diversifies items but limits their sustainability. Due to the lack of universality, individuals find that they may only be able to purchase clothing that is deemed appropriate for them. However, in cases of shortages or excess, there is a lack of balance between products and consumers. In the case that gender-specific norms were disregarded, individuals would be able to purchase more freely and thereby create a more sustainable market.

Social norms in fashion can also become incredibly oppressive. Gender-specific dress requirements largely ignore individuals within marginalized groups such as those that identify as transgender, non-binary, or any other gender non-conforming approach. This directly impacts the way in which these individuals are able to express themselves and retain their identities. It is similarly oppressive for men and women that have particular preferences in clothing but may not enjoy the freedom to dress as they chose. As such, social norms in fashion exist primarily to adhere to pre-existing but largely unjustified beliefs or assumptions.

There is no expectation to completely remove all social or gender norms in regard to fashion. However, it is beneficial to reduce the severity to which people find them to be valuable and practical. Historically, fashion is incredibly susceptible to change as it is a fragment of culture that is continuously evolving. As such, the freedom to dress as one chooses must be cultivated and supported. This would involve the reduction of the social reliance on fashion social norms.

Work Cited

Pariani, Jharna. “Dismantling Gender Stereotypes through Fashion.” Fashion is Psychology, Web.

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