Social Order, Its Nature and Future


The concept of order is quite difficult to both understand and interpret. The order itself is a set of elements and their interaction with each other. It is not easy to conceive of how people act according to preordained norms in either plan in today’s world. These can be material things as well as moral things. In sociology, the order can be described as the highest form of harmony among people in society and their impeccable action amongst themselves. However, the formation of this phenomenon should be considered, how it can be achieved in the near future, and equally important, what role disorder and chaos play in this. Still there exists the question of the influence of the spontaneous order and if it can bring harmony in this world.

The Concept of Order in Sociology

Judged by various sociological theories, the order is significant in maintaining the state in a stable condition. If society is calm and non-aggressive, such a state has a much better chance of developing and prospering in the future. The social exchange theory proposed in the chapter 6 of the book Exchange and Power in Social Life by Peter M. Blau describes order as a consequence of chaos and regards it as a lever of public pressure on the rule of a country. People’s collective thinking enables them to regulate the entire country and, consequently, regulate stability. The spontaneity of decision-making allows people to find order in those or other contradictory decisions.

This unusual approach to becoming an order can be called spontaneous. Its aim is to establish generally accepted rules through radical and unpredictable measures by different sociometricians.

Theorists refer to the fact that there is a mental connection and influence between people regardless of distance and mutual understanding. People’s dependence on the decisions of their peers is quite chaotic and unpredictable, which makes them unique and capable of collective thinking (Blau, 1964). However, there are cases of unjustified aggression towards another phenomenon even though it may please the person who even supports it, although many are against it. What is meant is the imposition of the thoughts of others and complete dependence on the opinions of others, which ruins the concept of order and leads to destructive consequences.

The theory suggests that a balance must be struck between unpredictability and serenity, referring to the fact that the thoughts can be projected onto the actions of others and thereby influence the situation around us. This requires observing how people act and listening to one’s thoughts rather than being a follower of specific societal ideas. The balance plays a vital role in this theory. The correct interpretation of the facts of the outside world has a significant impact on the world situation in society around the world.

In this theory, people do not serve in the way used to seeing them. Referring to the text of Craig Jackson Calhoun, most people do not listen to their ideas but are influenced by external factors, even when humanity is aware of its actions and decisions. A theoretical couple of people in love is given as an example because it is sporadic that people fall completely in love with each other and do not see the downside. Often, people in love adjust to the demands of their beloved or lover, discarding all prejudices and principles (Calhoun, 2016). Then the couple does not think about what could prevent them from being together, but only the positive thoughts about each other. According to this theory, this is a prime example of indoctrinating one’s thoughts and ideals to others, as the same thing happens in society.

Unfortunately, the world is full of inequalities, both social and material. People are more influenced by those who are their role models, even despite the ideas being promoted. The conventional wisdom is that those who are wealthier are smarter because they have vast wealth and can express society’s thoughts in a more structured and correct manner. However, this is not true because the source of income of such people cannot always be described as a parameter that includes some rationality in thinking. Despite that, many people do not think about the origin of other members of society’s wealth but only pay attention to its presence, which is detrimental to making the right decisions and imposing their thought.

The key to solving this problem is equality for all. As mentioned earlier, balance and having the proper thought in the majority of society are vital. If the ideology is appropriately constructed and the unpredictability is streamlined by directing it towards the betterment of the public, this theory is productive and concrete.

Since money is the main manipulator as to whose thought is more important and correct according to the public, some steps help to demonstrate one’s influence without resorting to relatively trivial bragging—for example, often using the donation model, which shows a person’s condition and at the same time demonstrates good intentions. Because society will approve such decisions, the person making the donation will gain more influence over others and can set off a chain reaction. This method is shared among all age groups and genders. Younger people will be influenced by the material side and older people by the moral side.

Such a manipulation model engenders trust in such people and places their opinions above the rest. This donation system can be thought of as a currency with which other people’s views are bought. This investment has been shown to have a significant impact on society. The current model of democracy is based on the principle of majority votes. When this majority can be manipulated, this form of power makes no sense, as energy is again reduced to the hands of one person. This problem will be practically impossible to solve, as humanity does not possess the necessary moral resources to suppress the desire to show sympathy to a concrete person and his ideas.

Donations aimed not only at controlling the masses but at appealing to one particular individual. Through such gifts, it is possible to influence people who are higher up and get them on one’s side, thereby achieving the result described above. This method performs better, as there is no need to devise different ways of demonstrating the power to other people, but rather to focus on one specific person and use him or her to solve issues of national importance. Alas, this problem is similar in solution to the previous one and depends only on the individual’s character traits and awareness.

This kind of manipulation plays on feelings and appeals to empathy. Often people can be seen to support a point of view where they can better understand and associate with the person or show sympathy. It can often be seen this in life. When a member of a better-off family is able to make money and evoke emotion simply by being a simple person and not standing out, then other people will understand this type of person and associate themselves with others who are like them. Often followers ask themselves a question that sounds like, “Am I any worse? I can be like him too.” This significantly affects one’s citizenship and social position and changes one’s opinion on this or that issue to the opposite, namely one that is more to the liking of the handsome and wealthy person, because he has achieved a lot, therefore his opinion is more important.

There are many applications of this theory in today’s world. People often start to admire this or that person just because they have been able to make a fortune and donate a sum of money to charity. It is the same with gifts, for many people have found themselves in a situation where they want to be appeased and influence certain decisions or access to other things they need.


To summarise, the order is directly dependent on the chaos he has experienced and the degree to which he has been in control. The current system does not allow you to control all the events that occur and directly influence the outcome of this or that decision made by others. However, people who know how to present themselves correctly and demonstrate their competence in different matters do have this power, even if it is lacking. This often happens nowadays, and people with much money know how to manipulate other people’s opinions. Despite the awareness of the problem, its solution is quite problematic in this time period since it depends directly on human vices, and it is difficult to expect any changes in the near future because people will remain the same. Controlled chaos can bring harmony to society because it generates the right social movements, even though rather radical methods. Despite the influence of the people in power, it is always possible to stick to your thoughts and be sensible people. It is crucial not to lose oneself and, despite the destructive power and potential consequences, to stick to a theory that has been proven over the years.


Blau, Peter M. 1964. “Exchange and power in social life.” American Sociological Review 30(5):789.

Calhoun, Craig J. 2016. Contemporary Sociological Theory. Chichester ; Malden (Ma): Wiley-Blackwell.

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