Social Work Career: Personal Experiences


My desire and interests to help and support those in need started at a tender age. At preschool age, I shared my belongings with vulnerable children. One notable instance that caused trouble between my parents and me was when I insisted we offer my room to a homeless street family we encountered while shopping. My desire and interests have been to be an instrument that promotes the well-being of needy individuals and communities, which I can only be accomplished by pursuing a career in social work.


The profession of social work in the United States has a long history. According to the National Association of Social Workers, the profession was established in the 19th century. Its primary objective was to equip immigrants and other vulnerable populations with tools and skills to overcome social and economic challenges. Columbia University was the first institution to provide social work classes in 1898. Since then, social workers have been leading in establishing altruistic and private groups that serve people in need. Therefore, I have to pursue a degree in social work to become a licensed social worker.

Requirements to Obtain the Career

The minimum educational requirement for social workers in Texas has several degree levels. They include the Associate Degree in Social Work, Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), Master of Social Work, Doctor of Social Work, and Ph.D. in Social Work. The colleges that offer social work programs in Texas are Wayland Baptist University, University of Houston, Baylor University, University of Texas, Arlington, Tarleton University, and Texas state university. One must have a license to be a social worker. The license requires BSW, the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE), field experience, Texas Jurisprudence Exam, and social worker license exam (Staff Writers). Some jobs related to social work may include community health nurses, therapists, clinical services, and community counselors. Essential skills and competencies for social workers are communication, empathy, organization, advocacy, cultural competence, professional commitment, critical thinking, and patience. Thus, it is essential to know the responsibilities, working environment, salary, and benefits associated with the career.

Job Position

The roles and responsibilities of social workers vary with their job settings. However, the main tasks entail identifying those in need and helping people address and manage their everyday problems. They also advocate for and develop plans for enhancing people’s well-being and work with groups, families, and individuals (Staff Writers). Social workers fit into the organization system since they can offer services in different settings and departments. The working environment ranges from private to public organizations, such as health care facilities and services are offered during the day from 8 am to 5 pm. At the entry-level, social workers report to a regional manager, and no one works below them. The annual salary for a social worker with less than one year of experience ranges from $55,000 to $68,190 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Some of the benefits entitled to the profession are paid time off (annual and sick leaves), flexible work schedule, full health insurance, a traditional retirement plan, and parental leave. An outlook and reflection on the career can help know possible challenges to encounter, motivation, and demand in the job market.

Outlook and Reflection

Social workers are likely to encounter possible challenges while executing their duties and responsibilities: cultural barriers and inadequate resources to end social problems such as homelessness and family violence. However, individual, family, and community well-being improvements and salary and benefits linked to the profession, which encourages people to continue working. The demand for social workers in Houston, Texas, and Texas, in general, is high. Organizations such as Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center offer a position for social workers at entry and advanced levels. The career promotes equity and the well-being of all people in society. The motivation, job market demand, and benefits associated with the profession lead to the conclusion about pursuing the career.


Social work is one of the professions with numerous benefits to society. It helps equip vulnerable individuals and communities with skills and essential tools to facilitate coping and overcome social and economic challenges. The profession enhances the well-being of all individuals regardless of age, religion, or ethnic affiliation. The career is good for me because it allows me to do what I have been enjoying doing since childhood professionally.

Works Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics. “National Occupational Employment And Wage Estimates United States”. Bls.Gov, 2021, Web.

National Association of Social Workers. “Social Work History”. NASW, Web.

Staff Writers. “Social Work Degree Programs In Texas | Socialworkguide.Org”. Socialworkguide.Org, 2020, Web.

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