Sociological Perspective and Social Forces

The sociological perspective stands for the approach in sociology, which views human behavior in the context of social backgrounds, such as relationships, social structures, and history. The sociological perspective focuses on the influence of outside factors on people’s actions without considering the component of their inner peculiar properties and opinions. The approach utilizes different levels of analysis, which can be compared to the zooming principle in the photographer’s lenses (Ferris & Stein, 2018). The sociological perspective can capture different levels or scales of sociological interactions, such as interactions between individuals. Furthermore, it can be used to analyze an individual’s interactions with large social structures and institutions, such as religion, the education system, and the family.

There are several reasons why I decided to take courses at the community college level. Firstly, the courses at community colleges are more flexible, meaning that they provide an opportunity of getting familiar with the field of interest without pressuring students to select a major. Furthermore, courses in community colleges are more affordable, which makes them a worthy cost-efficient alternative. Community colleges can also be a significant step towards university admission as they provide a knowledge basis and an opportunity for the student to improve academic performance. Lastly, combined with more flexible timing and the option of earning professional certificates, community college courses offer more career opportunities for students who study and work.

After learning about social perspective, I noticed that social forces and culture influence my choice. Due to the influence of economic factors, I prefer to be more reasonable in choosing my path for academic development. Thus, I am trying to balance the cost of education and the benefits that I can get from it for my career and professional development. Furthermore, modern culture values the time individuals invest in their professional and personal development. However, modern culture also acknowledges the importance of self-care for mental stability by maintaining the right workload and rest balance. Therefore, to avoid excessive pressure from the education system and allow a gradual and enjoyable learning experience, I decided to take courses at the community college level.


Ferris, K., & Stein J. (2018). The real world: An introduction to sociology. W. W. Norton & Company.

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