Southern Europe Flash Floods: Disaster Overview

Southern Europe flash floods are the most recent significant event. The October 23, 2019, flash floods caused havoc in Italy and Spain, killing dozens of people while many others were missing. A social scientist would describe flash floods as a natural disaster caused by an enormous amount of water collected quickly, which forces water bodies such as rivers and oceans to overflow their banks (Chen & Yang, 2020). Thus, people need to learn about the cause and effects of flooding and apply the knowledge to protect themselves.

Floods have occurred for many years and have been causing devastating effects on humanity. Terry et al. (2020) note that the world has experienced increased flooding over the past three decades, although more than 90 percent of deaths and economic losses have occurred in Asia. Moreover, the climatic change caused the sea-level rise and various calamities, increased storm surges, and flooding, especially in the coastlines. A biographer’s explanation would link the event’s cause with the increased moisture and temperature brought inland by the reversing strong winds resulting in massive and widespread stormy clouds (Rozario, 2019). Currently, the global population is witnessing excessive heating leading to the frequency of extreme and irregular weather patterns.

Moreover, many cities in my community are now trying to implement disaster mitigation strategies to minimize deaths and the loss of property. More than ever, the authorities have allocated funds for the scientific study of disasters such as locating and timing earthquakes and Satellite-Based Sensors which sense and measure vibrations. Nevertheless, many people in Southern Europe were affected by floods when they occurred, but they still offered help to victims severely affected by the neighborhoods’ flash floods. Generally, the calamity raised awareness because individuals are now more conscious that natural disasters are likely to occur at any time, thus, upgrading surveillance and willingness to help each other.


Chen, Z., & Yang, G. (2020). Multiscale variability of historical meteorological droughts and floods in the middle Yangtze River basin, China. Natural Hazards Review, 21(4), 04020036.

Rozario, K. (2019). The culture of calamity: Disaster and the making of modern America. University of Chicago Press.

Terry, J. P., Winspear, N., & Goff, J. (2020). Is Bangkok at risk of marine flooding? Evidence relating to the historical floods of AD 1785 and 1983. Natural Hazards, 1-18.

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