Specific Needs for Chronic Anxiety in Latinos

Problems such as chronic anxiety and depression are common among Hispanics because the region’s conditions are typically characterized by hard physical labor. The stigma and cultural conditions of the parts contribute to mental illnesses that often interfere with habitual activities. It is especially prevalent among the adult male population, who are more likely to work outside the home under harsh conditions. Due to this two culturally specific needs emerge with which Hispanic men most often seek professional help.

First, a mismatch in cultural expectations about work and a permanent state of anxiety about it. Men feel uncomfortable in front of their wives and children because they are not doing the typical job for their culture. In this case, an effective way to address the problem would be therapeutic counseling. A psychologist would assess the degree of emotional involvement in the situation (A treatment improvement protocol. Improving cultural competence, 2014). Treatment would consist of regular sessions in which the health care provider would use cognitive-behavioral strategies to overcome the cultural barrier. In addition, the psychologist can provide treatment with interpersonal tactics that will influence the transformation of the home region’s culture and adaptation to the new field.

Second, kindness and modesty are often the core values of Hispanics, which cause them to have difficulty adapting to communication in the United States. The male population is susceptible to anxiety because they are insufficiently conformed to the new environment and show excessive emotionality in their dialogues. Treatment of stress, in this case, is achieved by conveying to the client the knowledge that their behavioral habits are not an aberration (A treatment improvement protocol. Improving cultural competence, 2014). Cultural speech patterns are not his barrier to communication, so it is most appropriate to involve the patient in the process of treatment and evaluation of his results. Various questionnaires, emotion scales, and even elements of Gestalt therapy will help reduce anxiety due to the cultural barrier.


A treatment improvement protocol. Improving cultural competence. (2014). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Specific Needs for Chronic Anxiety in Latinos." April 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/specific-needs-for-chronic-anxiety-in-latinos/.


StudyCorgi. "Specific Needs for Chronic Anxiety in Latinos." April 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/specific-needs-for-chronic-anxiety-in-latinos/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Specific Needs for Chronic Anxiety in Latinos." April 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/specific-needs-for-chronic-anxiety-in-latinos/.

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