Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient

As you correctly pointed out, being spiritual does not simply imply Christian or religious faith in general, this is why nurses should have at least basic knowledge about other people’s cultural and religious beliefs. For example, in Buddhism, different techniques of meditation are regarded as the primary form of therapy through which suffering can be alleviated (De Silva, 2011). Knowing about such aspects of various religions can be especially beneficial for nurses and their practice since it ensures better communication with the patient. Participating together with patients in their rituals or ceremonies can positively impact their health and provide them with the necessary support. Yet, there are always certain details that may be unknown to nurses, therefore not overstepping the boundaries and letting the patient guide them is the best option. Spiritual care is an essential part of the recovery process of every patient, and it must be provided strictly by the patient’s needs.

I agree that listening is one of the most important elements of interpersonal communication with the patient and its most effective form is active listening. When speaking about their religious beliefs, patients usually want to maintain the discussion and expect the nurse to respond to their words. This must be done very carefully to avoid any potential arguments, and therefore the best way to reply is to paraphrase what the patient said (Ali, 2018). Asking questions that can help the patient expand on their ideas is also a safe tactic because it does not provoke any negative reaction and instead builds trust. Active listening can also help nurses gain valuable knowledge about various spiritual practices employed by people who hold different religious beliefs, which can benefit them in their future work while providing spiritual care.


Ali, M. (2018). Communication 5: Effective listening and observation skills. Nursing Times. Web.

De Silva, P. (2001). An introduction to Buddhist psychology (3d ed.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 25). Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-care-is-an-essential-part-of-the-recovery-process-of-patient/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient." March 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-care-is-an-essential-part-of-the-recovery-process-of-patient/.


StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient." March 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-care-is-an-essential-part-of-the-recovery-process-of-patient/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient." March 25, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-care-is-an-essential-part-of-the-recovery-process-of-patient/.

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