Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)

Assigned Article Summary

The object of the review and summarizing is the article “Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness,” written by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale (2018). The key idea of ​​this work is to find an answer to the question of how to achieve the unity of the soul, mind, and body in order to comprehend harmony and enjoy well-being. The authors focus on the difference between the terms a “human being” and a “human doing” and argue that today, it is hard to feel calm and peaceful (Hrabe et al., 2018, p. 24). As a consequence, recommendations are given regarding the potentially effective ways of increasing spiritual strength. Also, certain concepts are explained, and nursing practice is considered the sphere of implementing the notions of spirituality.

The relationships between religion and spirituality are affected; nevertheless, there are no causal links between church teachings and the topic in question. Hrabe et al. (2018) determine the balance within a person not as a result of worshiping God but as a whole complex of feelings that exist independently of human beliefs. In order for medical personnel to help patients in restoring their peace of mind, a number of councils are offered to nurses as a guideline containing working recommendations. Based on these tips, it is possible to remark that the authors of the article are inclined to Eastern meditative practices since they offer such relaxation methods as yoga or tai chi (Hrabe et al., 2018). Experiments are considered the optimal principles of finding the most effective methods of soul and body unity.

The opportunities for spiritual growth are available to all people without exception. Hrabe et al. (2018) state: “it’s never too late to make a positive change in your life,” which proves their desire to convey ​​the importance of preserving and enhancing the spiritual heritage (p. 26). The role of junior medical staff is regarded as significant in the context of patient care with impaired attitudes and spiritual priorities. The authors note that the study of the world and the whole essence of human existence consists of discovering the nature of the soul (Hrabe et al., 2018). Therefore, all the advice and recommendations related to the promotion of individual spiritual growth are based on stimulating human interest in these practices and encouraging all undertakings in this area.

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

This article is the source of valuable knowledge that can be used in future professional practice as an effective guideline with non-standard information. I intend to pay attention to spirituality when communicating with patients since, in addition to physical support, moral help is the significant component of comprehensive nursing care. Also, I will encourage the cultivation of inner harmony among my colleagues and, if necessary, I will try to convey to them the importance of maintaining peace of mind. In general, the article under review has had a rather strong influence on me, and I have been convinced that the nursing profession is not connected solely with physical assistance.

Those principles of self-control and stimulation of well-being, which imply loyalty to the surrounding reality, can simplify the workflow and help reduce fatigue. Moreover, one can adhere to the specific algorithm of actions without inventing any new methods and practices. Therefore, the value of this article in relation to my individual professional practice is significant, and I intend to introduce the concepts I have learned into the everyday working experience.


Hrabe, D., Melnyk, B. M., & Neale, S. (2018). Spiritual wellness: A journey toward wholeness. American Nurse Today, 13(10), 24-26.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 13). Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018). https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe-melnyk-and-neale/

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"Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)." StudyCorgi, 13 June 2021, studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe-melnyk-and-neale/.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)'. 13 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)." June 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe-melnyk-and-neale/.


StudyCorgi. "Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)." June 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe-melnyk-and-neale/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Spiritual Wellness: Insights from Hrabe, Melnyk, & Neale (2018)." June 13, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/spiritual-wellness-a-journey-toward-wholeness-by-hrabe-melnyk-and-neale/.

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