Spirituality in Nursing Palliative Care

There are enough definitions of spirituality to realize that if this property is present in the personality, it permeates all its aspects. In a religious sense, spirituality is seen as the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in us, and through us and in the world, this is a specific divine-human state. As for the most general and accepted definition of spirituality, this refers to the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality. At this level, the highest human values become the central motivational and semantic regulators of her life.

A spiritual person creates and represents a certain comfort for others. Integrity, intentionality is characteristic of the inner spiritual world, therefore the values and meaning of certain actions of such a person’s personality are the best. A spiritual person cannot act against his conscience; therefore, it is not possible to expect bad things from a spiritual person. “Patient-centered communication” is an essential principle in the provision of medical care, regardless of whether the person’s belief system is different from that of the doctor or not. (Murgia, 2020, p. 1332) In any case, the clinician needs to demonstrate understanding of the patient’s needs, acceptance, and respect, this will significantly reduce the level of anxiety initially.

In the provision of nursing palliative care, spirituality is vital in the two different senses mentioned above. In cases with the help and care of patients with cancer and HIV / AIDS, the nurse, her competence, spirituality play an essential role. It is she who has to spend most of the time with the patient, first providing him with help. She determines the patient’s various needs, is a link between him, the doctor, or relatives, independently determines the nature and amount of help, both moral and physical.


Murgia, C., Notarnicola, I., Rocco, G., & Stievano, A. (2020). Spirituality in nursing: a concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 27(5), 1327-1343.

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StudyCorgi. "Spirituality in Nursing Palliative Care." September 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/spirituality-in-nursing-palliative-care/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Spirituality in Nursing Palliative Care." September 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/spirituality-in-nursing-palliative-care/.

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