Sport Management: Current Problems in Sports Sales

Sports sales have been a hot subject in the market for many years, and the area continues to develop with new trends and concerns. Sport is not industry: Bringing sport back to sport management, published in the Journal of European Sport Management Quarterly, is one article that gives an overview of current trends and challenges in sports sales (Gammelsæter, 2020a).. This article overviews the critical challenges and developments in sports sales and how these concerns affect the sector.

The article starts by emphasizing the significance of the sales process in the sports business. It argues that sports sales are the foundation of every sport company since they generate income and provide client happiness. The article then addresses the need to create a thorough sales plan to optimize the success of the sales process. The article also covers the necessity for sales professionals to grasp the current trends and concerns in the sports sales area, such as the rising relevance of digital marketing. Likewise, it discusses the need for data-driven decision-making and the use of technology to enhance the customer experience (Gammelsæter, 2020b). Ultimately, the paper highlights the need for sales professionals to understand the ethical implications of their job and the importance of a customer-centric approach.


Sports sales are crucial right now since they are critical to the success of any sports company. According to the article, sales are the foundation of every sports company since they produce income and ensure client happiness. As a result, to enhance their efficacy and maintain client satisfaction, sales professionals must comprehend current trends and difficulties in the sports sales industry (Zeimers et al., 2020). For example, as more clients use digital platforms to acquire items and services, digital marketing has become more significant in the sports sales area. As a result, sales professionals must grasp the significance of digital marketing and how to use digital technologies to reach their target demographic successfully.


Gammelsæter, H. (2020a). Current problems in sports sales. Sport Is Not Industry: Bringing Sport Back to Sport Management, 21(2), 257–279. Web.

Gammelsæter, H. (2020b). Sport is not industry: Bringing sport back to sport management. European Sport Management Quarterly, 21(2), 257–279. Web.

Zeimers, G., Winand, M., & Anagnostopoulos, C. (2020). Research handbook on sport governance. Sport Management Review, 23(5), 1005–1006. Web.

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