Football Matches and Their Impact on Mental Health

I believe that in addition to a beautiful spectacle, football pose a great risk of serious injury. Football players often injure the ankle, and knee joints, soft tissue bruises, sprains, and fractures. Often such injuries need surgical treatment; an athlete does not always return to the ranks, but may remain disabled. Moreover, their menisci are damaged, and cruciate ligaments are torn. Constant head play or contact with an opponent lead to dissection and brain concussion. However, even with all the possibilities of modern medicine, after injuries and operations, not everyone can fully continue their career.

The situation in many sports teams or even semi-professional sections is such that some athletes subsequently need psychological help. There are cases when a coach resorts to psychological or physical violence to achieve a result. The contact (collision) between competing team players is allowed in football. The rules of the game of football clearly describe these collisions. Nevertheless, they often lead to severe injuries to players’ musculoskeletal system, brain, and spinal cord. It is good if this player is already quite high-class and has managed to protect his health with contracts with insurance companies.

In general, of all sports, modern football accounts for the largest number of sports injuries. They become especially dangerous when the player receives them at a young age and in large numbers. There are many confirmations where scientists have conducted studies and concluded that football players are three and a half times more likely than ordinary people to suffer from dementia. Most of the diseases football players suffer from are somehow related to the injuries they receive. It is worth noting that strong emotional experiences characterize football competitions.

Moreover, one must not forget that there are advantages: playing football contributes to the education of several positive qualities and character traits: endurance, perseverance, activity, a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance. Regular football practice is a diverse physical activity involving all muscle groups. However, people must remember that emotional experiences in the game, like all other emotions, can have both positive and negative effects on human behavior. Successful competitive activity in football presupposes players constantly desire to improve their skills, search for unexpected solutions to emerging problems.

Thus, in football matches, a player is faced with the need to overcome constantly emerging stressful situations. The impact of stress and the reaction to it are repetitive. After all, the effectiveness of his activities will depend on the mental state of the athlete and, therefore, the result of the team. It is worth noting that football, like all sports games, improves all physical qualities and increases performance. Football players should always react instantly to the serves from the opponent’s players or the players of their team. They should always keep an eye on the ball and be able to score it into the goal.

In conclusion, football allows a person to strengthen their health, relieve tension and cheer up. However, when practicing this sport, it is necessary to dose physical activity, not overexert the body, so that it does not entail negative consequences. Football is one of the most traumatic sports: every second athlete gets damaged. Increased physical activity can cause not only a negative impact on a person’s physical condition but also his psychological state. Moreover, football is a tough and, at the same time, spectacular and extremely exciting game.

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