“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is an author of Squatter, a story about two individuals, narrated to the local young boys by Nariman Hansotia. One of the characters in the story is Savukshaw, a great cyclist, pole-vaulter, hunter, and cricketer. The other one is Sarosh; a Parsi immigrant who lived in Canada and was known as the “squatter.” Hence, the title of the story is based on the main character who relocates to Toronto.

The story is thought-provoking and it shows how someone can easily be trapped in his/her ideals. One of the characters in the story, Sarosh, migrated from India to Canada. He was full of hopes and aspirations concerning his future life but, unfortunately, he ended up disillusioned and dejected. Besides, it is an insightful story since it warns those who dream about migrating to western countries for opportunities, that it is not that easy.

I enjoyed the story since it forewarns those intending to relocate to other countries about some of the challenges they are likely to face. Sarosh’s dream is to move to Canada but after arriving there, his life becomes unbearable due to the inherent social differences. Moreover, the story is inspiring because of the character of Savukshaw, who is hardworking and excels at everything he does.

The story highlights the identity consciousness and cultural differences associated with people living in foreign countries. It portrays Sarosh as an alien both in Toronto and India. After living in Canada for ten years, he returns to India where he is unable to adjust to the life he left behind. For instance, when he arrives back home, all the memories he had about the places are gone.

In Sarosh’s imaginations, Canada is seen as the land of honey and milk where there are many life changing opportunities available for its residents. However, this is not true; Sarosh finds prejudice and indifference from the Canadians. Again, his way of life and experiences from back home did not prepare him for the new life he encountered later, as such, he was lost.

I am motivated to work hard to achieve my dreams just as Savukshaw. Furthermore, there are cultural differences all over the world and therefore, before relocating to another country, one should be ready to adjust to the new environment and its conditions by learning about the country and adapting quickly. Besides, being open and ready for new challenges will make my transition to the new country easier.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 1). “Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry. https://studycorgi.com/squatter-by-rohinton-mistry/

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1. StudyCorgi. "“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry." February 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/squatter-by-rohinton-mistry/.


StudyCorgi. "“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry." February 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/squatter-by-rohinton-mistry/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry." February 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/squatter-by-rohinton-mistry/.

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