Staff and Management Characteristics

COVID-19 is becoming more of a historical event than a current issue, and more and more people want to re-experience what it feels like to be a tourist. I have developed this memo for the Director of Recruiting, which describes the talents our company needs to operate smoothly and profitably. Listing and explaining the professionals we should be looking for will make the hiring process faster and less costly.

Regarding managerial roles, the head of the event is the specialist who should be looked for first. According to hiring specialists, they are those who manage “all aspects of production — from venue selection to equipment rentals to staffing decisions” (What does an event director do? 2022, para. 1). This person is the main organizer and must display and be able to apply flexible skills such as communication, creative thinking, and leadership. Communication is necessary for maintaining teamwork and resolving interpersonal conflicts and workplace problems. Having a creative mind is critical, as it is what makes events memorable, generates big profits, builds a consumer base, and attracts new customers. The potential candidate must also have a visible leadership attitude. It is one of the few means that allows the manager to effectively organize subordinates, direct various processes, and maintain a shared vision for the project. Our future head of the event must have experience in the hotel industry, a managerial position, or a high-ranking staff member.

We will also need an event coordinator, customer lead, designer, site leader, and event operations manager. They, too, must have the soft skills listed above and the same amount of industrial experience. They are also managers, but their areas of control and responsibility are smaller and more specific than those of the head of the event. An important note is that when looking for suitable professionals, one should also pay attention to whether applicants and recruits display such personal and professional qualities as dependability and listening. According to Bean-Mellinger (2020), “being reliable so that people can count on you” is a key trait of character and professional behavior in any category of business (para. 1). It ensures non-stop work of the team, safe and comfortable environment for every employee, and high quality and productive performance of an organization. The ability to listen is essential for correctly understanding the vision of the project, fulfilling the initial, subsequent, and unexpected tasks, and creating a comfortable and smooth workflow for staff and management.

In terms of staff workers, we will need more front office hotel positions, maintenance and cleaning professionals, and concierges especially. According to hospitality industry veterans, “cleaning, fixing things and catering for requests from guests” are high-priority tasks in organizing, executing, and completing entertainment events in a hotel setting (A comprehensive overview of all hotel positions, n.d., para. 15). They must possess such professional qualities as adaptability, motivation, and work ethic. A lot can happen before, during, and after an entertainment event, so employees must be prepared to adapt swiftly to new work environments. Serving guests and transforming spaces is a grueling yet vital job, and motivation is a necessary psychological driver in the hospitality industry. A work ethic is the basis of a professional attitude; without them, an employee is an amateur, not a specialist. It would be nice if the applicants had expertise in the hospitality business, but newcomers should also be considered.


A comprehensive overview of all hotel positions. (n.d.). Revfine. Web.

Bean-Mellinger, B. (2020). Why is dependability important for a person to have in the workplace? Chron. Web.

What does an event director do? (2022). Climb. Web.

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