Adapting Institutional Policies to Organizational Values


An institutional policy is derived from the state one so that the crucial principle should remain intact, whereas the regulation could be adjusted to align with the values and mission of the organization in which it is implemented (Samadi & Jamshidi, 2016).

Chart (Expert Policy (American Nurses Association, 2016a) and Staff Policy (American Nurses Association, 2016b))

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations
National The expert policy of ANA helps address nursing issues at a national level Effective: basic guidelines are set Increase in GDP Preventing expert nurses from choosing appropriate strategies
National The nurse staffing policy of ANA allows preventing adverse patient outcomes Effective: basic guidelines are set Increase in GDP Regulations that trigger nursing burnouts
State The needs of patients from specific communities are met. Effective: The policy aligns with the state healthcare principles. Increase in state revenues Failure to locate culture-specific needs of patients
State The needs of nursing staff from a particular community are met. Effective: The policy aligns with the state HR principles. Increase in state revenues Failure to locate culture-specific needs of nurses
Institutional The policy aligns with the customer care values of a specific institution. Effective: The policy can be shaped to meet specific needs. Increase in SMEs’ revenues Disregarding the specific mission and vision of the organization
Institutional The policy aligns with the HR values of a specific institution. Effective: The policy can be shaped to meet specific needs. Increase in SMEs’ revenues Creating tight schedules contributing to a workplace burnout increase


The Staff Policy, which is currently used in ANA as the means of not only providing the employees with their indefeasible rights but also creating the environment in which their financial needs are recognized and satisfied, can be viewed as one of the most efficient tools in improving the GDP and maintaining the employee satisfaction levels high. On an institutional level, the policy demands that nurses should be provided with equal pay opportunities, as well as the appropriate benefit package. In other words, the system works to build the environment in which the employees at nursing organizations can fulfill their potential and enjoy equal opportunities, especially in terms of payment, whereas organizations benefit financially (American Nurses Association, 2013).

Needless to say, the Staff Policy deployed at the American Nurses Association on an institutional level is derived from the national policy on equal opportunities. On a more general level, the identified principle is in chord with the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal rights (Liddy, Joschko, & Keely, 2015). Indeed, the framework that is currently suggested by the ANA as the means of improving the quality of the environment, in which the staff members work, is quite efficient. The influence of the national policy that promotes the idea of creating a comfortable workplace environment, in which employees will be able to deliver the services of the required quality, thus, can be traced clearly in the current approach toward HR management at ANA.

From the financial perspective, the policy deployed at ANA meets the national policy goals quite successfully. It builds the environment in which the design of a satisfying benefit package becomes an opportunity. As a result, not only the equal pay concept but also an array of other ideas that help address the issue of employee motivation can be implemented in the context of the company (Chiovitti, 2015). For example, the opportunities for including the options for married staff members, employees with small children, etc., are created with the introduction of the institutional policy in question to the organization’s design.

According to recent research, the changes identified above are crucial to the enhancement of the company’s operation and the overall improvement in quality levels, especially as far as the employees’ delivery is concerned. There is no secret that staff members are prone to losing their enthusiasm when facing the issues related to a tight schedule, the inconsistencies in the assignment of roles and responsibilities to the employees, etc. (Frentsos, Brilmyer, & Garvey, 2014). Therefore, it is essential to provide the financial support that the target audience will interpret as the means of improving the workplace conditions (Aragno, Peria, & Vega, 2015).

At this point, however, one must mention that the policy under analysis can be used to offer extra incentives and opportunities for the people that come from a specific background or face the circumstances that complicate the delivery of high-quality services for them (e.g., married people, the staff members that have financial issues, etc.). On the one hand, the focus on the target demographics can be interpreted as the shift from equal pay principles to singling out certain staff members. On the other hand, it should be kept in mind that the national policy, which has inspired the ANA to create the framework, revolves around the equal opportunities concept. In other words, the strategy adopted in the organization creates prerequisites for every staff member to work in the nursing environment without being constricted by social, economic, or any other factors.

As a result, a rapid increase in the quality of the services delivered by the nurses can be expected. In the identified scenario, all parties win, including the organization, its personnel, and its customers. Indeed, the financial profits of the organization also need to be borne in mind when evaluating the current policy. Although the identified approach is geared toward satisfying the personnel, it also provides the foundation for the organization to benefit financially. The drop in the burnout rates coupled with the rise of quality levels is bound to have a strikingly positive effect on the customer satisfaction rates and the ANA’s reputation. Thus, inspired by the national policies and implemented at the institutional level with the value and vision of the organization in mind, the concepts of equal opportunities have contributed to a consistent increase in revenues.


American Nurses Association. (2013). American Nurses Association 2013 Membership Assembly Treasurer’s report. Web.

American Nurses Association. (2016a). Expert policy analysis. Web.

American Nurses Association. (2016b). Nurse staffing. Web.

Aragno, C. L., Peria, B., & Vega, Y. (2015). Association between nurse staffing and indicators of healthcare quality in adult Intensive Care Units. Aquichán, 15(1), 90-104. Web.

Chiovitti, R. F. (2015). Professionhood and professionalism as an educational aid for facilitating nursing students’ development and renewal of self and profession. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(11), 51-64. Web.

Frentsos, J., Brilmyer, C., & Garvey, P. (2014). Increasing website use for provision of nursing contact hour programming. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 4(7), 113-122. Web.

Liddy, C., Joschko, J., & Keely, E. (2015). Policy innovation is needed to match health care delivery reform: The story of the Champlain BASE eConsult service. Health Reform Observer – Observatoire des Réformes de Santé, 3(2), 1-11. Web.

Samadi, R., & Jamshidi, M. H. (2016). A survey on the relationship between aggressive strategies in working capital management and productivity in listed companies in Tehran stock exchange. Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training, 12(2), pp. 120-129.

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