Statistics: Hypothesis Testing Article by Form Plus

Statistics in today’s world is one of the fundamental disciplines since the world population makes decisions based on the available information. The today’s review subject will be the hypothesis testing, analyzed in Part 8 of our textbook. In this review, I will present you with the ‘middle-quality’ type of source, which is considered to be the most dangerous one.

Firstly, when it comes to credibility analysis, the source is aimed to analyze hypothesis testing from both practical and theoretical perspectives generally. The resource contains numerous internal redirecting links, which increases the degree of subjectivity. Secondly, the article “Hypothesis Testing: Definition, Uses, Limitations + Examples” has an attractive name since it covers all the needed areas concerning the hypothesis testing subject (Form Plus, 2021). Thirdly, some important factors of a resource’s credibility, such as specific author, date of publication, and peer reviews, are absolutely missing, so it is impossible to define the article’s credibility of affirmations solely. As a result, the combination of three factors makes the article attractive enough for people to insert it into any subject analysis regarding hypothesis testing. At the same time, the third aspect of credibility analysis demonstrated that the article could not be seriously taken into consideration when providing academic-level research.

Nevertheless, I would use this article with the purpose of having an alternative view on the problem that might help the person in working with peer-reviewed credible sources. While analyzing the article from an informative standpoint, I was positively impressed by examining the ‘limitations’ of the hypothesis testing section. In fact, the second affirmation focuses on the opinion that by applying Fisher and Neyman-Pearson’s approaches to hypothesis testing, a person might experience conceptual problems since the two methods are distinct and non-complementary (Form Plus, 2021). In this case, I realized that taking into consideration multiple opinions might be dangerous too, so the researcher should also look at the compatibility of applying some approaches to the specifically analyzed situation.


Form Plus. (2021). Hypothesis Testing: Definition, Uses, Limitations + Examples. Formplus. Web.

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