Aspects of Scientific Responsibility

Science as the method to understand the development of human life is a valuable achievement of humanity. The understanding of this concept and its role in people’s life requires the analysis of Berk’s (2018) textbook, Dobbs’ (2009) article, and videos presented by Gawande (2016) and Oliver (2016). The observation of these materials helps to define what additional perspectives of science students should regard. Since science plays an essential role in modern society influencing different aspects of life, scientists should be responsible and prudent in their studies to avoid manipulations.

Science is an inseparable part of human life, influencing how people are nurtured, treated, study, and create families. Berk (2018) explains how it helps identify the most appropriate strategies for rearing children, educating teenagers, and communicating with adults. Dobbs (2009) also demonstrates how different studies and theories define what factors affect a child’s future development and success. These analyses reveal that science influences all aspects of people’s lives, determining what approaches are the most beneficial.

At the same time, researchers should be cautious in presenting the results of their observations to avoid manipulation and misunderstandings. Oliver (2016) claims that some scientists direct their tests and examinations to correspond to their purposes. Gawande (2016) also analyzes the cases of pseudoscience as a threat to valid scientific examination. These assumptions reveal that people start to understand that some researchers manipulate their experimentation to make people make conclusions they need.

The significant role of science in people’s modern life makes researchers more responsible for the consequences of their findings. Consequently, they should be more cautious in their analyses and conclusions. Various textbooks, articles, and videos help to comprehend this situation and interpret the results of the studies more critically. Therefore, students should consider the significance of their ability to analyze the information they read critically.


Berk, L. (2018). Exploring lifespan development (4th ed.). Pearson.

Dobbs, D. (2009). The science of success. The Atlantic. Web.

Gawande, A. (2016). Caltech commencement address – Atul Gawande – June 10, 2016.

Oliver, J. (2016). Scientific studies: Last week tonight with John Oliver (HBO).

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