Proposed Species: Strep Throat
Strep throat is one of the infectious diseases which is caused by streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus. The bacteria cause inflammation and pain in the throat, which sometimes is accompanied by sores (CDC). Strep throat is easily transmitted and spread to others from the infected ones through talking, coughing, and sneezing. Strep throat can also spread when people get in touch with respiratory droplets containing bacteria, drink from the same glass with infected persons, and get into contact with infected people (CDC). The common symptoms of strep throat comprise fever, pain when swallowing, red and swollen tonsils, and swollen lymph nodes. Persons infected with strep throat may experience symptoms between 2-4 days.
Strep throat infection occurs more in children between five and fifteen years. Adults who are at risk of getting infected with strep throat comprise parents with school-aged children and those who mainly interact with the children (CDC). The disease is highly spread when people gather in large groups. Therefore, crowded places such as daycare centers, schools, and military training are critical in the spread of the bacteria. It is vital to embrace the treatment and cure of strep throat for the transformation of the healthcare system.

Benefits of Eradicating Strep Throat
It is important to establish good measures that help in the eradication of strep throat infection in society. The ultimate benefit of curing the disease is to maintain good health in the community. With good health, children can go to school, money that could be spent on medication is budgeted for productivity, and enough time is found to improve the well-being of people. Therefore, curing strep throat will be beneficial for both present and future generations as such infections will not become a disaster or pandemic.
It is crucial to cure strep throat to protect people from being infected by other serious diseases. Untreated strep throat exposes the body to danger by attracting other diseases. If strep through is left untreated, it leads to permanent damage to the heart and serious illnesses such as stroke, kidney failure, and rheumatic fever. Therefore, the significance of eradicating the infection will reduce the risk of being exposed to such dangerous diseases in the future.
Eradication of the strep infection will also help protect children as much as their education and health are concerned. Furthermore, the infection of strep throat contributes to poor performance of students since the infected children cannot perform well in their school studies (CDC). Eradication of strep throat is significant as it will help children to have good health, which also has a positive impact on their education. Permanent treatment of strep throat is also beneficial as it will help in saving (Tamba et al.). Money spent on medication can be saved and invested in other programs. Through this, the economy can grow since people will have money to venture into investments that can generate revenue for the country.
One of the main preventative measures is maintaining good hygiene through the regular wash of hands and covering the mouth when coughing (CDC). Such measures are instrumental in protecting people from getting infected with other infected diseases like cholera. Cure of strep throat is also associated with good health in the future, helping the healthcare industry channel funds into programs that can help the community grow.
Feasibility of Curing/ Eradicating Strep Throat
The incidence of strep throat can be reduced through the effective use of workshops, public health initiatives, and planning sessions. Workshops involve training programs whereby society will be taught how to maintain good hygiene and prevent the infection of strep throat. Healthcare initiatives through intensive research will help in getting the best cure/ medicine or immunization that protects people against future infections. There is a need for effective planning on how to eradicate strep throat as an infection in society. Planning will involve the identification of strategies that are used in curing the disease. The first step is to sensitize all members of the community by targeting schools and colleges. The healthcare industry, in partnership with the government, can conduct testing, provide antibiotics to those already infected, and teach the entire community about hygiene.
Some of the proposed remedies for strep throat comprise getting a good prescription of medicine, staying hydrated, getting enough rest and sleep, and maintenance of good hygiene. Persons infected with strep throat should visit the doctor, and the preferred prescriptions may include the use of antibiotics such as amoxicillin and penicillin (Tamba et al.). Taking enough water keeps the throat moist hence reducing the chance of being infected by the disease. Getting hydrated will also prevent the throat from getting wounds when swallowing food. This will make a smooth digestive system hence preventing an individual from being infected. Infected persons, especially children, should get enough rest and sleep as this will help the antibiotics in fighting the bacteria.
Works Cited
CDC. “Strep Throat: All You Need to Know.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019.
Tamba, Marco, et al. “Evaluation of Control Program against Streptococcus Agalactiae Infection in Dairy Herds during 2019–2021 in Emilia-Romagna Region, Northern Italy.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science, vol. 9, 2022. Web.