Stress Management: The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

According to the two tests I took, I can say that my stress level is slightly high. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale shows that my score is 233, which is the average stress level. This suggests that I have a certain probability of acquiring psychological difficulties in the absence of control over the situation. Burnout Self-Test showed a similar result: my score is 35, which indicates the potential for burnout. Therefore, looking at both test results, I can conclude that I should pay attention to the work schedule and reduce stress.

In the modern world, stress is an integral part of human life. People spend whole days at work, performing a wide variety of tasks. After that, they do not have the strength to immerse themselves in their personal life, which can also cause conflicts and problems. As a result, many people acquire psychological illnesses, which are often difficult to cope with. To stay healthy, stress must be avoided at different levels, and only an integrated approach will allow people to become genuinely confident and calm. This approach includes, for example, a “balance between work and family or personal life, a support network of friends and coworkers, and a relaxed and positive outlook” (Sauter et al., 1999, p. 8). This all helps people keep mental health and live happy life.

First, it is essential to remember that each person is responsible for their psychological state. This means that people must independently identify and take action to address threats of stress, depression, or anxiety. There are many ways to prevent these problems. For example, people need to get enough rest on time. This applies not only to vacations but to weekends and even weekday evenings. People should understand what kind of rest is appropriate and follow this to reset the psyche completely. It is also vital to maintain physical fitness, follow a healthy lifestyle, and be surrounded by the right people. This will help people get through difficult situations without overexerting and being in a calm and confident state.

Second, it is crucial to pay special attention to the psychological atmosphere in the workplace. Undoubtedly, this depends not so much on employees as on employers. They are responsible for organizing the work so that everyone is comfortable and calm. This includes communication with staff, the arrangement of the space, schedule, social benefits, and many other factors. In addition, a competent employer or HR manager will recognize in time the signs of impending employee burnout. This will help them discuss the problem ahead of time and resolve it, such as changing work schedules or taking a vacation.

Undoubtedly, stress is an integral part of life, and it is not possible to avoid it entirely. In certain situations, it can even be helpful, mobilizing all mental resources, and helping to solve complex problems (McGonigal, 2015). However, it is impossible to stay in this state for a long time, so people must recognize and eradicate stress in time. This skill is useful and helps maintain mental health, contributing to a long and fulfilling life. In addition, being able to cope with stress, people will be able to help others in this matter. This will make society more harmonious and stable and will allow people not to be distracted by personal problems, reaching new heights.


McGonigal, K. (2015). How to turn stress into an advantage [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Sauter, S., et al. (1999). Stress… at work. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

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