Studies on Nutrition Knowledge and Behavior Among Athletes

Acquaviva, J., & Domitrovits, L. (2020). Sports nutrition knowledge of Division II student-athletes and their coaches. Journal of Athletic Performance and Nutrition, 7(2), 1-9.

The article aims to demonstrate the nutrition knowledge of the student-athletes and coaches and research differences in nutrition knowledge between athletes of different genders in the same sports activity. In addition, research identifies the most widespread sources of nutrition knowledge. The study method is quantitative because the numerical data are collected, and different surveys are used. The study sample included 145 student-athletes and 21 coaches. They were required to complete a survey showing that their satisfactory answers were 75%. The two main findings include that coaches have higher knowledge of sports nutrition – more than 67%; student-athletes knowledge was more than 55%.

Neglia, A. (2021). Nutrition, eating disorders, and behavior in athletes. Psychiatric Clinic of North America, 44(3), 431–441. Web.

This study aims to understand the connection between nutrition, behavior among athletes, and eating disorders. Its main goal is to emphasize the role of nutrition for athletes. The study uses a qualitative review method to analyze the existing literature and make assumptions. In addition, expert insights are shown to support the authors ideas. No sample is included, as the author conducted no original research. As a result, no sample of participants or specific surveys are presented. The two significant findings from the literature related to the importance of nutrition and sports diets and their challenges. Many other issues are presented, but they all correlate with these two findings.

Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and postexercise recovery. Journal of Sports Medicine, 3, 259.

The main aim of this research is to examine the role of nutrition in athletic performance. Moreover, it provides valuable insights into how nutrition can improve post-exercise recovery. Different factors that influence success in sports and dietary considerations are accurately researched. This study is a qualitative review that utilizes presented knowledge and works on the topic. There is no specific sample, as the article presents no new surveys or research results. The two main findings are related to the diet and related issues. It is recommended that dietary requirements be individualized and that nutrition before and after exercising be focused on.

Boidin, A., Tam, R., Mitchell, L., Cox, G. R., & O’Connor, H. (2021). The effectiveness of nutrition education programs on improving dietary intake in athletes: A Systematic Review. British Journal of Nutrition, 125(12), 1359-1373. Web.

This research focuses on the influence of nutrition education programs on the diet of athletes. The main aim is to analyze the impact of nutrition education. In addition, the dietary challenges are also analyzed. The qualitative study method is used because the study is a systematic review. The authors use sources of information that have already been created without conducting any unique research or surveys. No new data is collected, but there is a sample. The study included different athletes between 12 and 65 years. The total amount of participants was 974. The two significant findings were related to interventions – the nutrition education was based on face-to-face communication and dietary assessment – the three-day diet records were used to research the result.

Bonilla, D.A.; Pérez-Idárraga, A. Odriozola-Martínez, A.; Kreider, R.B. (2020). The 4R’s framework of nutritional strategies for post-exercise recovery: A review emphasizing new generation of Carbohydrates. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 103. Web.

The article’s main aim is to research post-exercise recovery among athletes. The authors propose an optimized recovery framework, especially after physical training and competitions. The framework named 4Rs approach is being examined to understand the issue better and provide valuable insights. The study uses a qualitative method, as published findings and insights are used to research the issue. In addition, no sample is included, as the article is mostly a framework proposal rather than practical research. The two significant findings are the description of 4Rs framework and the role of carbohydrates, which is extremely important.

Burke, L. M. (2021). Nutritional approaches to counter performance constraints in high-level sports competition.

This article examines the nutritional strategies that help athletes to perform better. Different aspects of nutrition and dietary strategies are discussed in the paper. The authors aim to analyze the role and impact of nutrition on the athlete’s performance. The qualitative method is used, as the article provides variable insights based on previous writings but demonstrates no specific data. In addition, no sample is presented in the article. The two main findings of the article include energy availability, nutrition strategies, and methods of boosting the central nervous system. Overall, the article emphasizes the role of nutrition and its impact on athletes’ success.

Janiczak, A., Devlin, B., Forsyth, A., & Trakman, G. (n.d.). A systematic review of athletes’ nutrition knowledge and association with dietary intake. The British Journal of Nutrition

This article researches the athlete’s nutrition knowledge and its connection with dietary intake. The authors aim to provide a deep analysis of the nutrition knowledge among athletes and examine the correlations between them and dietary behaviors. The study uses a qualitative data method to analyze and gather information from previous works. No specific sample is included in the article. The main findings include general and sport-specific NK scores and protein and carbohydrate consumption.

Riviere, A.J.; Leach, R.; Mann, H.; Robinson, S.; Burnett, D.O.; Babu, J.R.; Frugé, A.D. (2021). Nutrition knowledge of collegiate athletes in the United States and the impact of sports dietitians on related outcomes: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 13. Web.

The following article researches collegiate athletes’ knowledge of nutrition and the impact of sports diets on them. The study’s main aim is to examine the role of sports diet and its impact on nutrition-related outcomes. The study shows no specific practical findings but provides valuable insights based on the given literature and presented findings. The article has no specific sample, as it is based on already researched sources. The main two findings are the increased number of full-time registered dietitians and that collegiate athletes are at high risk of nutrition-related problems.

Tam, R., Gifford, J. A., & Beck, K. L. (2022). Recent developments in the assessment of nutrition knowledge in athletes. Current Nutrition Reports, 11, 241–252.

The article focuses on nutrition knowledge among athletes. Moreover, the questionaries published during the last 5 years are accurately examined and analyzed to understand the topic better. The main goal is to reveal the improvements in the questionnaire and show the presented challenges. Each questionnaire had a sample, so many athletes were involved, and different indicators were presented. The main findings of the article are related to the questionaries. The first one is the new 12 questionaries developed during the last 5 years. The second one is the improvement these questionnaires have gone through to be more reliable.

Werner, E. N., Guadagni, A. J., & Pivarnik, J. M. (2020). Assessment of nutrition knowledge in division I college athletes. Journal of American College Health.

This study researches the nutrition knowledge among a specific group of people. This group is comprised of Division I college athletes, which is a study sample. The study consisted of 128 athletes, and 70 of them were female. The authors use mixed methodology, as the already given sources of information and new research were conducted to address the issue. The two main findings are related to the nutrition rates among student-athletes. Firstly, sports athletes’ revenue was significantly lower in nutrition knowledge, whereas non-revenue sports athletes had higher rates. Secondly, the overall nutrition knowledge score among participants has significantly varied.

Zaidani Kamarun Zaman, N. N., Muhamad, A. S., & Che Jusoh, M. R. (2021). Knowledge, attitude, practice (KAP) and dietary intake of young university athletes following sports nutrition education. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, 27(2), 189-200.

This research evaluated the impact of knowledge, practice, and attitude in sports nutrition. The main focus was on the young athletes studying at the university. The authors examined the nutrition habits among athletes at the university, and the method used was quantitative, as practical research was conducted, and the sample included university athlete students at 21 universities. The main two findings were related to the overall well-being of the students. It was found that total energy per day increased, and significant improvements were seen in the score for knowledge, practice, and attitude.

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