Subjective Predictors of Personality Behavior in Situations of Cognitive Dissonance

In modern conditions, the flows of contradictory information are significantly increasing. As a result, a person finds himself in a problematic cognitive situation when it is necessary to adequately assess and respond to messages coming from different social groups, including authorities. Personality increasingly finds itself in situations of cognitive dissonance and is not always able to find the right solution to the problem (Egan et al., 2007). Another factor determining the study’s relevance is the increasing labor market competition. After receiving higher education, many specialists are unemployed or do not work in their primary specialty. Accordingly, in the labor market, the most in-demand are specialists who are able to respond quickly and adequately in critical situations and focus on productive behaviors in the case of cognitive dissonance. Thus, the problem of subjective determination of the choice of behavioral models in situations of cognitive dissonance in modern society is significant.

Research hypothesis: it is assumed that the predictors of choosing a behavior strategy in a situation of cognitive dissonance can be such subjective characteristics as anxiety, self-esteem, and locus of control.

In this study, participants will be selected based on voluntariness and anonymity. To achieve inclusiveness, age, gender, and racial groups will be allocated with a certain mandatory number of participants.

The independent variables: number of study participants, time of the test

The dependent variables: development and implementation of a correctional and developmental program aimed at changing unproductive patterns of behavior when solving contradictory cognitive tasks.

Several methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific sources, methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson point-biserial correlation coefficient), and qualitative analysis of the data obtained based on the comparison and hierarchy of the severity of variables and their dominance. As part of the empirical research, specific methods were used in the dissertation: “Locus of control” by J. Rotter; methods of self-assessment diagnostics.

In the first step, methodological and theoretical approaches to studying the issue of cognitive dissonance were explored together with theoretical analyses of psychological, educational, and philosophical literature. The second stage involved the creation of a sample of respondents, a pilot stage of empirical research, statistical processing, and quantitative analysis of the findings. The subjective indicators of a cognitive dissonance-related behavior approach are a sufficient sense of self-worth, an internal locus of control, a low to moderate level of anxiety, rising cognitive activity, and resolving the cognitive dissonance.

Statistical Analysis: 2 points are assigned for the selected behavior model. The sum of points scored according to the specified number of behavior patterns indicates an inherent or non-inherent type of behavior in a situation of chronic failure. 10-12 points – this behavior model manifests itself steadily, 6-8 points – this behavior model is characteristic of the subject, 0-4 points – this behavior model is uncharacteristic of the subject.

Relevance: the results obtained during theoretical and empirical research can be successfully used in teaching psychological disciplines, in the development of special courses, as well as in the preparation and conduct of lectures and practical classes in general, personality, and pedagogical psychology.

Limitations: in the developed test for respondents, it is necessary to reflect on the correct questions and principles on which a complete and honest answer will be given. In case of contradictions, the results of the study may be subject to distortion.


Egan, L. C., Santos, L. R., & Bloom, P. (2007). The Origins of cognitive dissonance. Psychological Science, 18(11), 978–983. Web.

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