Summary of My Health Care Policy


One distinct characteristic of the US is that it does not provide combined healthcare for its citizenry, even though the nation expends an average of 16.2% of its entire GDP to cater for the budget as it pertains to healthcare (Wacker, 2010). This translates to close to $2.2 trillion and is significantly higher than individual spending by other related countries. The government at this time runs several schemes, which cater to dissimilar clusters of citizens. Senior citizens who are beyond 65 years old, military veterans, and those on a low income are included in the federal budget. People without coverage can only receive medical attention in an emergency room (Wacker, 2010).

Characteristics of apt care

In light of known concepts, private citizens bear responsibility for their coverage. Some of them achieve this through their employment organizations, while vast majorities enroll for private coverage. A good health care policy should guarantee the best possible coverage to all societal age groups while maintaining sensitivity to their needs (Mayo Clinic, 2010). It should also grant quality treatment of clients by service givers. Most importantly, it should provide a fiscal shield for all by allocating costs concerning the client’s expenditure ability.

Major characteristics of my policy

The initiation of quality-based reimbursement method, as opposed to service-based reimbursement system. Providers will be required to produce quality products and services for their clientele, which impact society positively. Provision of incentives will be mandatory hence shutting out sub-standard products from the market (Arrow et al, 2009).

The creation of an evaluation agency to analyze the effectiveness and suitability of healthcare services is vital. This recommendation highlights the need for an agency that is autonomously administered. Its obligations will encompass a comparison of the services offered by dissimilar providers principally about medical intrusion thus coming up with apt regulations (Arrow et al, 2009).

An overhaul of federal and state laws should be conducted to enhance efficient regulation and coordination of health care. These should be geared towards the promotion of competence and fiscal liability amongst providers, whilst protecting the market from the sub-standard introduction by agencies (Arrow et al, 2009).

The availability of insurance to a significant percentage of citizens by removing market restrictions within the insurance sector is vital. This move will give customers the requisite freedom to alter their coverage plans depending on the existing situation. This will also introduce competition in the market hence speeding up reimbursement of claims (Mayo Clinic, 2010). Levels of honesty will also increase, greatly reducing the circulation of incorrect information in different environments. The employees will not be tied to plans that do not favor their predicaments by employers. Discrimination in any form by providers should be made illegal (Mayo Clinic, 2010).

The costs incurred during procurement, implementation, and maintenance of medical technology should be regulated. This raises the overhead costs of administering facilities, which are in turn passed to the client (Arrow et al, 2009). The sky-high charge of prescription drugs should also be regulated. The government should work towards the re-introduction of nonprofit medical facilities (Arrow et al, 2009). They are relatively simple to run since they do not cost patients a fortune. They operate at lower overheads that enable them to break even hence ensuring their sustainability. The young population is a crucial segment of society and needs to be catered for. This has proved challenging since a large number of them are unemployed (Mayo Clinic, 2010). A plan should be formulated that provides them with coverage under policies acquired by guardians and parents. In the end, insurance companies should be allowed to sell their premiums directly to the capital marketplace.


Healthcare is a vital constituent in society since it is a constituent of apt relations between administration and people. My policy entails the infusion of quality and affordability through increasing the availability of care processes.


Arrow, K. Auerbech, A. & Bertko, J. (2009). Toward a 21st-Century Health Care System: Recommendations for Health Care Reform. Annals of Medicine. vol. 150 no. 7 493-495

Mayo Clinic. (2010). Building Upon The Cornerstone. Mayo Foundation For Education and Research. Web.

Wacker, N. (2010) Creating A Better Health Care System. American Hospital Association. Web.

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