Super Bowl Advertising Analysis

Super-Bowl advertisements are known to turn in astronomic revenue each year, with companies paying exceptionally high fees to get the precious commercial slot during the game day. The costs of obtaining the placement within the program, however, are so high, that the marketing researchers have been questioning the value that such deals bring to their respective companies. Nevertheless, it appears that the Super-Bowl is still worth it due to its unique status that attracts even the viewership of people who are not otherwise interested in sports.

The title of the main game of the year and the way American families watch it as an annual tradition solidifies the generalized appeal of Super-Bowl. Its audience is everyone, which cannot be said for the majority of other sports competitions (Epstein, 2021). Similarly, a firm could not just replace a Super-Bowl slot with fifty or more smaller promotions during other sports events, since the latter are much less likely to attract an audience both this large and this diverse (Bharadwaj et al., 2020). Additionally, the game’s viewer base often expects Super-Bowl advertising campaigns to be engaging and entertaining, due to the previous precedents, and doesn’t attempt to skip the commercial segments.

Out of all the brands that can and do purchase their slots throughout the main game of the year, the sports brands and multi-purpose family-friendly corporations could benefit from the deal the most. As general as the audience may be, it is a given that sports fans nationwide would watch the Super-Bowl, making such exposure beneficial for the firms that sell sports equipment and apparel, such as Nike. And the major brands offering a wide variety of goods with American families as their target audience, such as Nestle, could take advantage of the family event status that Super-Bowl holds in the United States.


Bharadwaj, N., Ballings, M., & Naik, P. A. (2020). Cross-media consumption: Insights from super bowl advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 50 (1), 17-31. Web.

Epstein, A. (2021). Is the cost of a Super Bowl commercial still worth it for advertisers?. Quartz. Web.

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