Supporting Public Health at the State Level


Today, human health is influenced by many different events. It often boils down to the fact that one disease begins to develop very quickly and unfolds worldwide. A clear example is Covid19, which forced the entire planet to stay at home and forced people to take care of their health actively. DeSalvo wrote a study that reveals how that should maintain public health and what can take three steps to do so. In addition, the article outlines the general state of affairs with healthcare organizations. In addition, modern society is actively developing, and more and more significant irritants affect human health. Today, creating many public organizations that would spread ideas to protect people’s health is essential.


Today’s main task is to spread the idea of actively engaging in health. Most public organizations can raise the level of public awareness and have the ability to influence certain groups of people (DeSalvo 2). First, it is worth considering that many cultural and ethnic groups still need external intervention to convey the idea of active care for their health. Moreover, this can manifest in various cases, such as simply distributing medicines or holding seminars.

It is worth emphasizing that a large part of public communities help solve the fundamental issues of various communities better than the Institute of Public Health. Thus, especially in the USA, people can see that urban communities have a better influence on humans as they try to improve the condition of a particular population circle (DeSalvo 2). For this, they mainly use a training tool that allows people to raise awareness and develop the idea of health care.

In particular, countries’ politics play an essential role in such actions, as they also assist people. Today, the healthcare system is qualitatively transformed, so it is also worth mentioning that there is partial prevention for people who sometimes find themselves in risk zones (Slavin 50). Such a stage of healthcare transformation is precious and necessary. Also, in this context, it is worth talking about certain ethnic and cultural groups, which are often at risk due to limited resources. In this context, many people in society should pay attention to whom they come in contact with and their environment. Such actions can very often save a person and leave his health in a stable state.

To properly develop the Institute of public health, it is first necessary to create the idea that the state should improve social services, especially medical ones. It is also worth considering the idea that more and more people are needed to provide for disabled people or those who do not have money for their treatment (Slavin 50). That can significantly expand the medical field and improve health care. Here it is worth agreeing that public health should very often take care of sanitation, especially in those cultural and ethnic groups where there are problems with this; in particular, all this must happen with all parties (DeSalvo 2). This way, it is possible to avoid the deterioration of people’s health or new infectious disease outbreaks.


It is essential to support public health at the state level because it allows humans to keep health issues at the social level. In the same way, that can also control specific diseases and avoid such cases. It is also essential for public organizations to be able to actively fulfill their duties and improve the situation of particular groups of people because such actions make it possible to improve the general state of affairs.

Works Cited

DeSalvo, Karen B., et al. “Peer reviewed: Public Health 3.0: A call to action for public health to meet the challenges of the 21st century.” Preventing chronic disease 14 (2017).

Slavin, Stuart J., Debra L. Schindler, and John T. Chibnall. “Medical student mental health 3.0: improving student wellness through curricular changes.” Academic Medicine 89.4 (2014): 573.

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