Designing Effective Surveys for Needs Assessment in Nursing


Assessing the needs of the target audience is the first step toward designing an appropriate intervention strategy and managing a problem in the context of a specific environment (Rossi, Wright, & Anderson, 2014). Therefore, the design of the tool that will help collect the data regarding the primary requirements and demands of the identified population should be viewed as the essential procedure that will serve as the building block for improving the current nursing approach. In fact, the use of the needs assessment tool should be considered a means of encouraging patient-centered services in the environment of the contemporary nursing facilities (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2014).

Although the idea of using online surveys might seem somewhat old, it, nevertheless, creates prerequisites for retrieving the data that will, later on, become the foundation for building strong research with credible data on its basis.


Prior to sending the survey to the people involved in the project, one will have to receive an informed consent form from each of the patients. The forms that the latter will have to sign will be submitted to them electronically. The survey will include the questions regarding the demographic characteristics of the participants (e.g., age, gender, income, etc.) and the needs related to their health.

As soon as the willingness of the target audience to participate is confirmed, the survey questions will be administered to them so that they could answer the questions accordingly. In light of the fact that open-ended questions will be asked to the people involved in the assessment, it will be necessary to make sure that the patients have enough time to respond honestly and in a detailed fashion.

After the responses to the open-ended questions are retrieved, and the qualitative data necessary for the assessment is provided, it will be required to make sure that the data for a quantitative analysis should be retrieved as well. For these purposes, closed-ended questions will be asked to the participants (Mitchell & Jolley, 2012).

Last but definitely not least, the stage involving data collection and its further evaluation will have to be conducted. It is recommended that the identified stage should also be completed with the help of the corresponding e-tools. However, in case some of the participants of the study have problems using the online forms for submitting their answers, it will be required to collect the data manually as well.

It is expected that the participants will provide a wide range of demographic pieces of information about themselves so that the outcomes of the evaluation should be classified in accordance with a specific background that the member of the study comes from. Particularly, information such as age, gender, education, household composition, professional experience, employment status, annual income, ethnicity, etc. should be included in the survey.

As far as the contents of the treatment-related questions are concerned, one should address the issues regarding the efficacy of the nursing services provided. For instance, the questions may include the general changes in the patient’s wellbeing, disease-specific alterations that have been observed over the course of the nursing services provision, the possible side effects that the patients have experienced, etc. Thus, a detailed overview of the problems that will have to be addressed can be provided. More importantly, the focus on the quality of the nursing service provided to the target audience should remain consistent.

Specifically, it will be necessary to make sure that the current nursing environment creates prerequisites for applying the patient-centered approach as the foundation for locating the treatment method that will help manage a particular case with maximum efficiency. In relation to the subject matter, the opportunities for applying the emotional-intelligence-based approach to identify the patent’s’ needs in a more accurate manner should be encompassed.

There is no need to stress that a nurse must be able to identify the changes in the patient’s emotional status so that the intervention and the following treatment procedure should return positive results; thus, it is crucial that the adoption of the identified strategy should be considered as an option. The survey format, in its turn, will help create prerequisites for the development of the corresponding framework and the further process of administering the required nursing services to the patients based on their individual needs and characteristics (Yin, 2013).


Despite being rather worn out and quite old, a survey as the tool for retrieving information regarding the efficacy of the corresponding nursing measures among the target population can be viewed as rather efficient for designing an adequate intervention. While admittedly having its problems and not relieving the study from a certain bias, a survey will contribute to the acquisition of the required information within a comparatively short amount of time and embrace a large number of participants.

As a result, the information located in the process can be deemed as relatively objective. Moreover, the data retrieved in the course of administering the survey to the participants will help build a strategy for raising awareness among students and patients alike so that the process of managing the disorder could become more efficient.

Reference List

LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2014). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Mitchell, M. L., & Jolley, J. M. (2012). Research design explained. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Rossi, P. H., Wright, J. D., & Anderson, A. S. (2014). Handbook of survey research. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Yin, R. K. (2013). Case study research: Design and methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

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