Symbols, Words, and Rituals That Express the American Creed

American creed refers to a declaration of beliefs and principles that generally expresses loyalty to the United States. Its main elements include populism, egalitarianism, and traditionalism. There are several words, rituals, and signs that aid in defining the country as well as those that cause division. Words like freedom and education, practices such as public holidays, and symbols such as the flag have helped define the nation for several decades. The primary purpose of this paper is to highlight critical words, signs, and ceremonies that, in one way or another, cause unity or division in the United States of America.

Education is highly valued since it establishes opportunities to assist the state in developing. Individuals are inspired to join colleges to attain degrees because it increases the chance of getting a better job with better pay (Duvert). Furthermore, Americans are lucky to obtain free primary education as opposed to citizens of other countries such as the Maldives and Colombia. The controversy is that education is not affordable to all, more specifically, tertiary education. This can be challenging to people who cannot afford the fees for college studies.

Equality is another term that contributes a lot towards unity; people have constantly struggled for equal representation after the United States’ inception. For instance, the nation has established programs and scholarships to enable the needy in the community to access higher education. Furthermore, immigration enhances cultural diversity, and at the same time, causes misunderstanding due to concerns about the legitimacy of foreigners. In addition, freedom adds to the nation’s definition since it is the factor that draws immigrants to the United States. Americans enjoy the independence accorded to them by the constitution but within the rule of law limits. Liberation is meant to bring unity in the country; the Americans must respect the individual differences and the cultures of others and enable everyone to exercise free will and be at liberty to prosper in their daily endeavors.

In addition, the national flag is another symbolic element that demonstrates America’s philosophy, having the power to cause harmony or separation. It is a remembrance of the battles fought that afforded the victory of being an independent nation. Still, the rebel flag continues to instigate agitation among the Americans due to the imposed agony. It is vital to recall how the country began and how it has developed into its current union. The flags in the country are continuous reminders of the misery residents have endured in achieving democracy for themselves and for the generations to come.

Customs like public holidays help in defining the nation by bringing individuals together to celebrate gratitude and independence. Fireworks presentations and parades aid to get households together to celebrate the vacation. Other celebrations have been initiated to commemorate different iconic figures, diverse communities, and genders. Thanksgiving celebrations strengthen the importance of bonding between relatives and families. Additionally, games are vital in unifying the Americans, mainly the national sporting activities. For example, rugby and soccer are exceptional games that draw millions of followers to watch after every year, thereby creating activities like national league championships to support the teams. In conclusion, America is considered as a country of development and has put forward advanced steps into a collaborated future that encompasses equal opportunities.

Work Cited

Meguine, Duvert. Words, Symbols, and Rituals that Express the American Creed. 2020, Web.

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